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The New Jedi Order..what if


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As this is General Discussion, I'm pretty sure it's safe to have this here.



Now here is my question. How would the war against the Yuzhan Vong have gone if the Empire (and the Emperor/Darth Vader and maybe some pet jedi they had like the emperor's hands) were still around and in charge?


Personally, I think the war would've ended a long time ago. Why? Simply because there would be no petty squabbling as to where the fleets were to be put, Palpatine would simply go "These people annoy me, send the fleets, send the Death Star and the Sun Crusher and destroy them. Kill them all, now" and then, the Death Star would go over and blow up their planets that they'd seeded. If it was an entire system, the Sun Crusher would go out and destroy that, and the fleet would just amass and totally annihilate them.


I think it would've been neat also if say the Galactic Civil War happened later, and the Vong jumped in in the middle of the Rebellion, then the Empire and Rebel Alliance would have to join forces to fight them off, and maybe gain some respect for how the others do things (the Rebel with getting aliens to also act as cannon fodder (more troops = more cannon fodder) and the Empire with no dilly-dallying and pissing around when it came time to assign a fleet somewhere).


Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah it would been heaps better if the empire was still in charge


the Emperor would've found some way to effect the vong with the force i think


a NJO Author should write an alternate universe novel with the empire still in charge and Vader squashing the Vong scum under the heel of his boot like a bug


remember at the beggining of the NJO when the republics senate wouldnt believe that the vong were a threat and took five freakin books to realise that these guys were gonna cause a bit of trouble?


that was a joke



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It would be cool if an alternate book was written with New Republic vs. Galactic Empire vs. Yunnzhan Vong. Maybe in that case, the Empire was more of a problem with the Vong and they Vong joined forces with the New Republic or something.


But if the Empire was ruling, Palpatine would know straight away that the Vong meant trouble and would have sent some guys to attack them head on.

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Actually they Did Join Forces, Whats left of the Empire, and The NEw Republic.


I'll admit not as grand as the Old Empire, but they still have alot of their Capital ships.



i have Gotten up to Star By Star, havent gotten any of the novels after that though, so that may have changd by now.

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The vong probably wouldnt have even entered thier space if the Emporer was in charge. And after a while he would just use the death star and blow the crap outta any thier ships. He would have brought 20 star destroyers on thier @$$ and watch em die. Luke and the jedi are to nice to these panzys. The fact is after the war thier army was pretty beat up so they didnt really have anything to defend them selves with except the few star destroyers, The Empire (if not losing the war) would have had all the ties, star destroyers they lost do to the deathstar. The emporer would show no mercy to thier lot and killed em all.

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i only have vector prime :( went to angus & robertsons today and they didnt have dark tide , the only one they had was dark journey ARGH (thats a bloody long series too, x-wing was 9 books but it was 2 4 book series and a standalone.......)


i want more yuhzan vong goodness!


it would kick ass if someone made a NJO mod where you could be a yuhzan vong and use those funky snake staves and bugs and jelly and such :)

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It seems unlikely that the Vong would have been able to make it into an Emperor Dominated galaxy because the Emperor would see the threat and send his fleet out, instead of arguing with himself, sending his fleet out half a ship at a time and getting owned.


Basically once you push them to their point of entry its pretty simple, you pick em off as they try to come through. However, this didn't happen because:

The Vong scouted the SW universe long before the Empire even existed, remember the 50 year old bones? Also, if you read Rouge Planet (an EpI follow up book, like 6 years later or something like that) Vergere is in it!! And she (as I recall) disapears to fight an 'alien menace' when I read that I was like: awesome!! Anyway the Vong waited for the exact right moment to strike, they wouldn't have tried to enter an Emperor run universe



Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Swamp the place for General interest topics? I thought the Valley was for JK2 related topics...soooo...


Lets see an NJO Expansion pack for JK2!!! hee hee

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The Empire would have kicked the Yuuzhan Vong out of Galaxy faster than you can say do-ro'ik vong pratte. They wouldn't even have needed any lame superweapons to do it. The Empire simply would have been a goverment more prepared for all out war. I think the Vong would have attacked anyways, though. The void between galaxies is so big that you don't want to make that trip for nothing.


I have seen a NJO mod or even expansion pack discussed. It happens long enough after JO for Kyle and Jan to have children that could be kidnapped by the Peace Brigade. However, its hard to imagine a Star Wars FPS without stormtroopers. Those Crazrach lack the vocabluary to yell "Hey! You there."

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Vergere is an old jedi from the old republic, she is in rouge planet and gets lost "fighting an alien menace" just like the gentleman mentioned before. Now as you can remember is Star by Star she was seen with anakins lightsaber like she knew how to use it, she also took Jecen with her. Now everyone thinks that she is dead, but in an upcoming NJO book, we find jecen is very much alive and well, and Vergere is teaching Jecen and new way to use the force, and a new way to percveive the force. i still miss anakin though :(


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