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Benchmark code buggy!?


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I´m currently running a couple of benchmarks with several NV VGA cards (NV 28.32) under WinXP (no sound).


I get very strange results with huge differences between the runs in HQ 1024x768. 89,5 FPS; 77,2 FPS; 84,2 FPS....


Restarting etc. has no positive effect. I noticed similar problems in RTCW and Q3TA (with the latest patches). That did not occur with older Q3 versions. Q3 v1.17 for example always produces clear results (+/- 0,2FPS) after the second run. JK2 has +/- 10FPS or more!


Is there a bug in the actual Q3 timedemo code?


Edit: Sometimes the results seem to be stable - just until you change the resolution/graphics settings...


Best regards


Lars Weinand (RIVA Station / Tom´s Hardware Guide)

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This is very interesting to me, because I'm coming up with some bizarre results of my own. My previous video card was a GEforce 2 mx and running at 1024 x 768 with medium settings(my usual configuration) I was able to pull right around 34 fps. I just picked up a Geforce 4 TI4400 today and after tossing it in ran the same test with the same settings and actually came out SLOWER(just under 33). What the hell?


Not only that, but no matter what resolution I try, with no matter what card, I always get in the low 30's(even 1600 x 1200 with the 4400). This makes LEETLE sense to me.


Oh yeah, and I'm running on a PIII 700 with 576 MB RAM.

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