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Jedi Knight MOD - Class system


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I've been reading and hearing a lot of *****ing about how some weapons are unfair against saber only users..."Jedi" And then these people get killed my long ranged weapons they ***** saying "why don't you use a saber and fight me like a man" or whatever. This *****ing is pointless because you can use the same weapons so it's your own fault for trying to be a hot shot. But this has brought up an interesting point I think. What kind of Jedi would fight with a rocket launder??....Darth A$$hole maybe but you get my point. My thought is the ones with the light sabers should be the only ones with force powers....Here's my list of classes for such a MOD





-Bryar Pistol

-Force Powers






-Stun Baton

-Bryar Pistol

-DE-11 Blaster Rifle







-Bryar Pistol

-Heavy Repeater

-Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun






-Bryar Pistol







-Stun Baton

-Bryar Pistol

-Golan Arms FC-1

-Termal Dentinator

-Trip Mines

-Det Packs




Those weapons and techniques that supposedly own saberists/Jedis will be a little more inbalance because only the Jedi can use force powers. Not only does that fix the balancing issues (which I don't think is that bad) but also make the game more realistic. In the Star wars universe Jedi are a race of people few and far between. A server limit could be set to limit the number of Jedi on each team, or any class for that matter to help further balance the game. I think you people see what I'm getting at.

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So your gonna code this time Ravenous? Rather than just map?


Your idea here is fairly concurrent with mine, but unfortunatly I'm a mapper as well.


So what we do is we hijack a few coders, put them in a dark room and feed them caffiene and cigarettes until they rebuild the MP system into something more accurately Star Wars. Kidnap a few of those rather awesome skin artists off the Editing forum and horse whip them until we've got some good Jedi skins (theres really plenty of armsman class skins to already choose from though a few more rebel representations would be good), then me and you throw down 8 or 9 TF style maps with protected respawns over the entire concept...and voila, Imperial Fortress has occurred.


Hey coders, grab some of these ideas, us mappers will handle the enviroments.

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OR we could wait to see what Ravensoft does, they could easily fix the 'inbalances' in a patch and not actually 'NEED' this mod and the codders coudl be put to something better.


It's not so much a balancing issue to me, just making a more realistic type of play based on the star wars univers. Fewier Jedis and force powers, class restictions, that kind of stuff. Just somethiing that makes it more structured

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Just a comment about your sniper class. Its main weapon/ability is to snipe but that can be shut down completly, if only for a short time, by force seeing. Why not give the sniper trip mines and det packs so he can also set up traps that way.



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Haha here we are, developing Imperial Fortress.


Heres my class ideas.


Jedi Knight (Sith/Jedi)

Class speed: Very Fast - Incredibly Fast

Health: 100

Armor 50


Weapons availible:

Light Saber

Bryar Pistol

Thermal Detonators


Special Abilities/Equipment:

Force Powers, but resourced as they are now at Jedi Knight level, Jedi Master is just too strong.


Seeker Drone


Rebel/Imperial Recon

Class Speed: Very Fast

Health: 75




Bryar Pistol

E-11 Blaster Rifle

Thermal Detonators


Special Abilities/Equipment:

Jetpack - With resource based thrust capabilities, giving limited 3 dimensional movement



Rebel/Imperial Marine

Class Speed: Normal

Health: 125

Armor: 100



Bryar Pistol

E-11 Blaster

Imperial Repeater

Thermal Detonators

Trip Mines


Special Abilities/Equipment:

Barrel Mounted Grapnel - With a resource based use (for all classes, works with the Bryar ammo resource)

IR Goggles - Battery dependant


Rebel/Imperial Combat Engineer

Class Speed: Normal





Bryar Pistol

E-11 Blaster Rifle

Golan Arms FC-1

DEMP 2 Gun

Thermal Detonators


Special Abilities/Equipment:

Barrel Mounted Grapnel

Automated sentry cannon x2 (they are pretty weak)

Automated Defensive Sentry Droid (Like the ones in Doomgiver Shields, the little ones on the ground with wheels)

Repair ability.


Rebel/Imperial Sapper

Class Speed: Slow

Health: 100

Armor: 100



Bryar Pistol

Golan Arms FC-1

Merr Sonn PLX-1 Portable Missle Launcher (max ammo 6)

Thermal Detonators

Trip Mines

Proximity Detonation Packs (6)


Special Abilities/Equipment

Detonation Pack Defuse

Portable Force Field


Rebel/Imperial Sniper


Class Speed: Fast

Health: 100

Armor: 25



Bryar Pistol

Disruptor Rifle

Thermal Detonators

Manual Detonation Packs (2)


Special Abilities/Equipment

Barrel Mounted Grapnel


Thats my addition.

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