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All acrobatic instructions are in the game's readme file. :)


Basically, you run up to a wall, and jump. In single player you have to press the jump key twice to perform the flip, in multiplayer all you have to do is hold the jump key down. Key is, keep pressing forward after you hit the wall.


Hope this helps.

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Oh I see ... press the jump key TWICE.... thanks ... that helps a lot... I was beginning to think no one was going to answer me .... seeing my previous posts that are (undoubtedly) still unanswered .... but thanks again.



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You run up to a wall, then you jump while hitting the backwards key or in my case the 's' key. Then you will backflip. Same case for just standing in an open area as well. Jump while hitting the backwards key. Now If only I could run up the wall.........

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