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cool bug? Dummy Dessan


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i dunno if this has been done before, but, here it goes..


I came across something weird after beating jedi knights 2 for the first time

after i killed dessan, up came the credits, i couldn't exit the credits, so i was forced to watch them

after a while i got tired


so i clicked alt+tab to minimize the game to a window and then to close it


when i did that, in the window, it started to reload the dessan level, and i could walk around like normal...except dessan was on the floor dead!

it was pretty cool, i pushed dessans body, and then he jumped up and turned on his lightsaber.


he ran up to him, slashed him,, he defended himself, but never attacked back

it was pretty cool, a dummy dessan, standing there, he used force push in reaction to grip and stuff, and shooting your guns, but otherwise, he just stood still in his stance, defending with his lightsaber, you can get into saber locks too, and you can push him down and he gets back up


so what i did:


i watched credits, untill the music was like over

then i clicked alt-tab

jk2 loaded the dessan level

got kicks out of a dummy dessan

try it if you havn't allready



~stylez :lsduel:


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