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List of Models?


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Out of the box, here are the ones I can remember:

Republic: Kyle Katarn, Morgan Katarn (Kyle's dad from JK 1), Jan Ors, Mon Mothma, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Rebel trooper, an anonymous bearded Jedi, Jedi Trainer (the guy with a pony-tail), prisoner (play the single player game, you'll see where he comes from)

Imps: Stormtrooper, TIE pilot, worker, swamptrooper, officer, Admiral Galak Fyyar

Dark Jedi: Desann (lizard), Tavion, Reborn (hooded guy)

Misc.: Gran (3 eyed grenade guy), Rodian (green insecty-looking guy), fat Rodian boss, Ugnaught, Weequay

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