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i play 10 seconds in mp and then i have a message error;


CL_ParsePacketEntities and then no more possibility to play it locks!!! help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




eric rawson thx

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On one of the start up screens for MP there is an option to adjust the game to your connection speed. Choices like cable, dsl 56k, t-1 and lan. These basically adjust packet size, among other things Is yours set correctly? A packet built for a cable connection may have trouble getting thru a 56k connection. Golf ball thru a straw.

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I'm getting this problem too :( As are many many other people, and there seems to be no offical response from Lucasarts... at the most i can maby play for two minutes in mp? and that sucks quite frankly... can we sort this problem out soon please... as i am bloody bored of single player now and WANT to be able to get my £30's worth out of the damn game.

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This isnt your average... "when i throw my saber the sound glitches" ... We're talking about a major problem that a lot of people are having, not allowing them to play 50% of the game


Is there a higher power i can report this too? i'd rather not call an expensive help line.


I'll end up taking the game back to the shop with screenshots of all the fuxin errors i've been gettting.

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I've contacted tech support and by their request sent them an e-mail of deatiled info of my setup as well as an error I'm getting after lvl 2 finishes. Unfortunatly I can't use 100% of the game haha. Cause that error keeps me from going past lvl 2 and the tech support guys say they've never even heard of the error I'm getting. In any case if I can actually get a reply from the tech support guys on the CL Packet errors I'll post it here in hops it will help everyone else.

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Eh no sorry thats wrong it dosn't only come from the no cd crack. I bought the game, and installed it with NO mods or cheats of any kind. And I got this same error on a cable connection.

I have talked to tech support and they suggested changing to selective startup uninstalling and reinstalling the game. I did this then went back to normal start up and I no long got the CL packet error. However I now get a Windows error if I even try to play Single Player so now I can only use Multiplayer. And on top of that on occasion Multiplayer crashes with a Bogus DHT Counts error. In any case I hope this helps some of the people with the CL error. If you don't know how to chage to selective startup click on start go to run type in msconfig and on the general tab click on selective startup then apply. You'll have to restart for it to take effect. If your already running in selective startup like I was uninstall the game change to normal restart reinstall the game ang go, thats what worked for me. BTW I'm running the game on XP Pro

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Well what I think the error comes from actually is poor memory management in the game. The No-cd crack runs the game by bypassing mem requirements (and it looks like crap with the no-cd crack). So if you're getting this error, make SURE you're not running any other programs in the background. Also, you can goto your jk2mpconfig.cfg file and add this:


seta_com hunkmegs 64


or something like that....do a search for "com hunkmegs" and "quake 3" in google and you'll find info on increasing the games available memory. Hope that helps!

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As it says earlier in the thread : people not using the noCD (like me) crack are getting the same errors.


Tried the hunkmegs thing anyway, and if anything it made it slightly worse :-(


How 'bout we get people to post their NIC and connection details? see if a pattern emerges.



Realtek 8139 NIC, Blueyonder connection, WinXP home

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No luck with the hunkmegs thing damn raven...


uhhh... network card is 3com etherlink 10/100 pci


lets hope this gets sorted out sooner than later


i have never used a no-cd patch nor a s|-\1t @$$ warez copy


please wont someone think of the Hiigara? <sobs>



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