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Stuck...Doomgiver Detention Hangar.

GE McMillan

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OMG! He's stuck in the same place as me!! I know EXACTALY the bit you are on about....if you hit the button at the top, it closes the first door and opens the second and when you hit it again, it closes the 2rd and opens the 3rd etc. Anyways, once you open each door individually, one or two of those little baby AT-STs come out at you (which I deal with using that electric gun thingy), however, if you go rite down to the end of the 2nd and 3rd, you come to lifts (am I right so far?). Unlike the 1st room, they don't come down when yu walk up to them so it's a dead end basically yeah? A guide I read said that yu need to close the 1st door and then the 2nd but use SPEED to run through the 2nd door as it closes, if you do this, u only get stuck. Completely. I cannot find anyway to comtinue, if You get any ideas, post them here or mail me plz, I'll do the same for u. Thanx. :fett:

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To get the elevators to operate at the end of those corridors you have to go back up the first one you came down. On the console with the button that opens the force field, which sucks all the troopers in the hanger out into space, is another button that activates the elevator.


You have to hit this second button on the console for the second hanger, go back down in the fist hanger, open the middle door and then go up that elevator.


(Taking long breath) You then have to repeat the whole process for the third hangar. I hope this is all clear and helps you out a bit.

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I never had to do it for the third hangar. As far as I can tell, you only need the whole repair bay section to get from Hanger 1 to Hanger 2 OR Hanger 3. Granted I was playing on Padawan, but I found the door connecting Hanger 2 and Hanger 3 open. This whole section is right up there for the biggest pains in the @$$ in the whole game, along with NS Streets, and Yavin Canyon. The only good part is sucking the troopers into space. I laughed my butt off so hard when I did it. I had so much fun that after Hanger 3, I opened the door, hit Force Speed, and lured the Troopers there into the hanger and to their deaths. Hearing all of the Ahhhhs!! is so hilarious!

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