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Best tactic to combat force drain


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Just wondering how everyone combats people that use drain religiously. I keep getting my ass kicked by people that use drain all the time. I always end up with no force, and yet he's still got enough for another push, pull, or jump. Whenever drain get's used I've always got none, and he's still got like 4 force bars.


Even to stalemate with him just using drain and me using heal doesn't work, because heal lvl 2 or 3 takes up quite a bit of force - and when he's using drain you never get enuf except for maybe lvl1 heal - which is pretty pointless.


Other than just running away to wait for force to recharge (only to have it drained again), what do you guys do to combat drain?



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My #1 drain counter is to run up and kick the drainer in the face.


This generally works very effectively because they expect you to go on the immediate defensive and try to run away.


So the second they start draining I run directly at them and kick them down. Then I switch to heavy stance and finish them off as they get up.


Or if I'm really feeling cocky, I just keep kicking them back down as they try to get up until they die.


Its just my little way around drain. I'm predominantly a sith player myself, but I've personally cut back on using drain because I feel it doesn't offer much challenge in most situations to drain someones force powers and then grip them until they die.

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I kick them from the server. umm..wait, I don't have a server. But if I did have a server and someone beat me in a fight I'd kick them..or congratulate them or..never mind :)



Seriously, throw on absorb and CHARGE!!! when they stop draining, turn off absorb but keep a finger hovering over that absorb key just in case :)

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Absorb seems to be the most popular choice. I use it myself.


And the best thing about absorb is that if they continue to use drain on you, it'll just add to your force power pool so you don't need to go on a defensive and wait to recharge.



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