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stalking saber


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On the Doomsgiver Comm level, there are 2 different tram cars you can ride in. The first time I got on, shortly after taking off I threw my saber forward and it quickly got left behind. I can get past the fact that the physics are wrong, but my lightsaber kept getting farther behind, going threw the unbreakable windows.

And then, like a crazed stalker, it started following me, but justs sits outside the window tapping on it trying to get me :eek: and soon drops to the ground. Fortunately, after you wait a while the lightsaber will pop-up on floor of the car and you can continue slicing up your stormtroopers just the way you like 'em. Has Anyone else encountered this situation? And how about those stormtroopers you use your time to drop them on their head, and all they do is continue to flail?

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