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2 new glitch saber moves.


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I am getting a demo file together of 2 glitch moves I have found you can do. I believe they are glitch moves because of how the character models squashes and also that if you do it right, your attack button gets swinging on auto till you intiate a new swing techique. Basically, it is in done during a sideways force flip. Time on this is very critical. You hit your jump +side strafe(doesn't matter which onee + primary attack. This will start the very average sideways forceflip saber wiggle I am sure you have seen already. But here is the twist, do not let off your strafe key as you do this move, this will culminate in the full twisting swing we are familiar with when you land. But!!! right as you start that sideways leap and are holding your strafe key down very quickly hit your primary attack again. It will halt your flip and toss you the opposite way of your leap with a very fast side swing. I know this description is abit hard to follow, but as I said, I am working up the demo for this move to show what I am talking about. You will know you did this move right when you see yoru character just stop in mid-air real quick and swing in the opposite direction and the fact that you character model seems to get very thin for a moment while it changes direction. Almost like a hicup move with a little model squashing. lol The other is also a glitch done in almost the same manner that swings your saber up around your head and behind your back. almost like your doing a back block. Not sure if this would actually work as a block as I have yet to pull it off against a bot. I am about 25 % able to pull this move off when I am really trying. I will get the demo out soonest so someone can tell me if this is a valid move that I have stumbled across or just a a glitch as I assume. I think this last move is diffinantly a glitch do to the fact that there is a small amount of clipping during the swing behind your head.

If anyone else has already done this these, I would appreciate your comments on the subject. I hope to have the demo done this evening (since I now know how to do a demo) and have it sent to in for people to view.

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The only thing I've noticed so far is some sort of cheat.


Pretty easy to do too.

Just type the helpusobi1 command to activate the cheats

then use the g_saberrealisticcombat 3 setting

now all you have to do is keep your saber on, taunt and ram your opponents while the saber is spinning for the taunt. quite damaging too. worked wonders in ladder for me.

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lol your right bout dat one, you would think that he would be mince meat on saberrealisticcombat level 3!


not a scratch.


Reminds me of something really sweet that went down with SRC 3 on at the ladder singleplayer round.


I was fending off a fencer reborn, there is a boss to my left and closing. and i'm in the middle


Well i am really getting into that fencer, bout to wipe his face on my saber when the boss on my left pushs me into the fencer. seeing as

SRC 3 is on my blade cuts him to bits. at the same time the fencer was in the middle of the left or right strife swing when his hand gets cut clean off!!! IT GOES FLYING RIGHT AT ME WHILE THE SLOWMO DEATH IS ON REALLY SLOW! i am holding duck praying that i won;t catch it in the jaw and guess what happens!!!


It barely misses my head just barely!! i'm like YEA PUNK!!! and i turn to see that it has some how while still in flight! TOTALLY TAKEN OFF THE REBORN BOSSES HEAD!!!! I"m LIKE OMG!!!!! my little brother is right beside me and he is just speechless.


That;s a real gut bustah!

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