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Is this... legal?

Insane Anakin

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My friends and I are designing a MP level which would be greatly enhanced by the presence of a working catapult. Think Ewok-like catapult.


Now, I know that making a prefab/model of this shouldn't be too complicated, but the physics will be harder. Could we make it react to force push and then have it fling the person in the holder across the map?


Has this ever been done effectively? Thanks in advance, I'm very curious to work on this mini-project.

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First: the physics

Recall the bespin lower levels, where you have to traverse up the ventelation shaft using thermal vents. This was probley accomplished in-game using func-push entities. I beleive the generic func-push can only have one direction, unlike the vectors in JK witch could be multi-directional. Though I'd venture a guess that if you overlaped a func-push pushing up and a func-push pushing forward, you're man would go flying up AND forward, simulating, catapulting. You'd also have to add a func-rot-door to rotate the catapult arm to simulate launching. As to wether the player will survive the landing on the other side of the level, only time will tell. (note, placing a powerfull weapon high in the flight-path would be cool, cause you'd need to take serious damage to get it)


Second: force-push activation

Though there is obviously a single-player entity that allows you to trigger an event w/ force-push, I've never actually seen it used in MP. So you'll have to wait and see if this is possible, but I'd think it pretty likely that such an entity would be included. If not, one could always be coded up in farely short order, if you have a decent coder. Alternatively, the catapult could be triggered just by walking on it, a button, or my personal favorite: a rope holding down the catapult that can be cut with a lightsaber (can you say saber throw?)



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