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Boba Fett Model


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I would justt like to say this i what forums are about, a group of strangers join together to help one person creat a exelent model its brongs a tear to my eye

o and make sure to pst whe your going to release it

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Sorry About my last reply i didnt read your last post on you cant build weapons or mods so dont yell at me please!!!!!!!!!!Sorry ever sense i've heard about outcast i hoped a cool person would make a nice jango skin!!

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You all are so awsome. I just found this site after buying outcast aweek ago. Finally a game that game that kicks ass out of all the other mamby pampy ones. I am looking forward to DL'ing the Jango/Boba models for my game. It is cool you guys can do this stuff:fett:

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First off great work. Now here are some ideas I have.


1. With skinning the ctf skins do whatever looks good on the model. The move accurate skins are the default have a little fun with the ctf.


2. If you get the chance make some skins for the models that are not of Jenga or Boba. At one point in the Star Wars universe there was an entire Mandalorian army. I'm sure they had cammo and other styles of armor and I'd rather see skins made by you than what someother lesser artist could make for these two models.


3. I know you said you already have plans for what you will do after you finish this model, But I would like to sudjest doing a Clonetrooper model&skin or a battledroid model&skin.


And again you guys kick A$$.



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i know you guys said that when you make boba model you were going to remove the leg armor and put the cloak thing on. I have a suggestion. If the cloak can move and flap (when you jump and stuff) it will look really good. but if it doesn't then dont add the cape. Cuz it will make it look wrong and that will be dorky and detrack from an otherwise brilliant (if not perfect) model and skin.


Keep it up guys, you are doing brilliantly :D:fett::D

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Originally posted by RaiRyu

i know you guys said that when you make boba model you were going to remove the leg armor and put the cloak thing on. I have a suggestion. If the cloak can move and flap (when you jump and stuff) it will look really good. but if it doesn't then dont add the cape. Cuz it will make it look wrong and that will be dorky and detrack from an otherwise brilliant (if not perfect) model and skin.


well it looks like the one doing the superman cape was able to make their cape animate, so I would imagine these people would be able to get er to work.:)

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Originally posted by JKO123

How do you put a picture under your name like you guys?


All you gotta do to add a pic is go under "user cp" at the top, then under "edit options" and at the bottom you can hit change avatar, then you gotta wait for page thingy to load. I hope you can figure the rest out :jawa

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You gonna head over to the new Modeling section Blood? It seems to be going pretty good right now, and we're trying to keep it to modeling Q and A so maybe you should check it out.


As far as an animated cape goes, Jango doesn't have a cape, and Animating it for Boba means Softimage. Softimage=$$$, and please don't mention stealing it, cuz I know someone is gonna.


Getting Softimage means learning a whole new program, so it' far too much for a ragity cape.


Yes, it'd look nice to get it animated, but it won't effect the model that much. Especially to the point of being dumb.


Great work Blood and Absath!

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Just thought I would mention that it's a great looking model and I got a question. Kind of a newbie question but just how easy is it to set the height of a model, like to make a jawa or something... using the editor you use, *can't remember name even though just got it,* anyway I hope you can answer my question. and would it also mean new animations? because that would mean alot more effort than just making a model, too much effort for a slacker like me. :jawa:jedijawa::crawler::jaw2::eets:

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oh well.. no matter how shinny Jango looks.... Boba seems to shne even brighter among the veteran StarWars fans.


On the cape.. yes it's gonna be animated. It's gonna fall down his left shoulder(to the back only) and be attached to the arms bones for instance... so it's gonna move. Much like the Reborn's or Desann's cloth hanging down their waist.


As for the flames for the rocketpack.. sorry.. no can do.. not for now anyway.


The model might me a tad delayed.

Reason: By putting the model inside the game i noticed several animating errors. Correcting them would be a pain in the behind. I decided to start over with bone assigning.


No worries though... I took a lot of time to see what bones are to be attached to which verts. Since that job is done the assigning itself will be significantly faster this time.


This may be taking it's time... but believe me it will turn out great.

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The model cannot be changed in height cuz the skeleton must not be altered at all.


It can be changed for modeling purposes but in the end it must return to the original size and pose.


For MP i dont think we can make a smaller creature such as a Jawa or Yoda, nor can we make a taller creature such as the SP Desann or a Wookie.

What can be done however is an internal game option for scaling(that's how Desann looks bigger in SP). Ask SithLord-II about this since he's the one who told me this. He tried that for his vader.

Not so sure if the same thing can be done in MP though.

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