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Boba Fett Model


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You probably could have found this easily, and kept the spam level down on this thread if you woul just look around on the forums a bit...


This double sided lightsaber code had absolutely no place in editing at all, let alone someones model progress thread.

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i made a model but it wont show up i know this has nothing to do with your skin or level but i thought one of you guys could tell me somehting because you guys are making the skins that are being put in the game too i typed in Default_Model_name.skin and i copyed all the files thing from the shadowtrooper im just adding stuff to him and it wont show up in the game and im asking if one of you know why lol also i created a new folder and named it that could that be why because thats all i could think of when it said to put that in a folder name so i did

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Everyone, check out __CKY__'s extensive use of puncuation. ;)


The Fett models look great, guys. Nice to see someone putting this much effort into this stuff. Something just didn't appeal to me about the Salve I screenshots, though. I think it was just the textures of the front hull. Well anyway, I'm sure it will come out great. Can't wait for the release.

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Ok, after getting yelled at in another thread (for not checking around enough), I spent the last 2 hours reading through this whole thread to see if anyone was working on a Boba Fett model. I'm totally amazed by how much work you guys have put into this, and reading through the whole thing shows you've really put a lot of work into it (I didn't realize what it took to make a new model).


The Jango model & skin looks amazing! I'm sure that Boba will impress as well (the skin sure does!) The helment alone looks better than the knock-off halloween one I have on my desk... ;)


I realize the Slave1 is a WIP, but still, that's awesome! And you went ahead and made the interior as well? Will you be putting the model itself out separately for others to insert into maps?


Now, just gotta be patient and wait... :D

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yeah slave I is blocky. i built it like that just so i could get an idea of size, proportion, etc since i had chosen to do the interior. Now that the basic ship is created, im going to go through and swap out brushes, try and make it look a bit more curvacious ;) so yes, to reiterate, you will be able to walk inside Slave I. there are no pictures, to my knowledge, of the interior, so im sort of winging it, but whats gotta be done will be done.


The cockpit is breakable glass, and im toying with the idea of a few trains inside, perhaps one to close the hatch, maybe one that will swivel the command console/chair for the different flight modes (vertical and horizontal) and maybe a little elevator inside.

dunno yet.


As far as the models...well apparently Bloodriot's day off has turned into a weekend vacation. I cant blame him...he nearly blew a gasket working through these technical issues that Raven didnt mention. Early next week we'll be back to work with renewed vigor and determination, and you'll have some top quality models to saber with ;)


so just bear with us guys, we came a long way in a short while, and it took its toll. we are no less committed to furthering this community (and our own portfolios in the process, hee hee) and hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. we appreciate the support we've been recieving for these models, and it really does fuel our efforts.








EDIT: A couple more notes: CheshireKat and Spacermonkey have nearly completed their Aurra Sing model, and it looks great! http://www.geocities.com/bdimonkey/shot0003.txt theres a quick shot of it in-game for you to ogle at....look at the rear end on her! hehe sorry...anyway they've done a great job, and will probably have her out before the Fett package, so go take a look.


And also someone asked if i would release Slave I individually for other people to use....of course! its not a model tho, its a series of brushes, so ill put it out in .map form after its done, and people can just copy and paste the brushes into their maps.

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Hey thanks Absath! But don't look at that skin yet. It's much further than that, been skinning all night and I'm just taking a break to check everyones progress. Monkey and I tested her ingame tonight! Was a friggin thrill!!! He's got her deforming pretty nicely now, but he's still gonna tweak her some more.


Anyways, cant wait for more of the Fett's!


As far as the ship goes, you can save the Ship as a PREFAB when you are done with it and use it in any map you want when your finished with it. Some mappers even put their Prefabs up on their sites for D/L.


Good Luck!

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Just a thought for everyone salivating over these mods like I am.


Brush up on your dive jump!!!


You know, the one that allows you to force jump and soar throught the air spread eagle instead of flipping?


That will definately make it seem like he is using his backpack instead of the force.


And just in case anyone doesnt know how to do the dive, as you are running forward or strafing to either side, release the directional key the moment you start to jump.

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Ok... I'm back from my weekend off.


Feel refreshed :)


I'm in the process of getting softimage so animation tweaks may be possible.


Notice that I said MAYBE. Meaning that you may not get them on this version of the model YET. If not.. then wait for version 1.1 :p


I'm gonna get busy again in no time.


C U guyz around.

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ok ok, you can get some new pictures tonite. Later on this evening, i am going to bombard you with new images. You will get pictures of Jango, Boba and even the other warriors im working on. If after all that is accomplished, I have a few moments to polish up the level and Slave I a bit, you'll get pics of that too.


So just bear with us for a few more hours, and hopefully you'll have enough pics to tide you over until the package release date.





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Well no tools is a match for patiente.... and you'll need to download alot of patiente.. it's freeware but it doesn't come by easilly. :p


Well I'm using 3D Studio Max R4 for these lil babies. You can use that with the import/export tools that came with the tools.


If you know how to model and if you can cfigure out the JO skeleton then that's all you're gonna need to put it into XSI format.


After that you use Assimilate and Carcass (Carcasses is used internally by assimilate but needs proper configuration) to compile the XSI model into GLM format.


That's about it.

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