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Boba Fett Model


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Abs, Blood...


When you release this map with the Slave 1 is the slave 1 gonna be a md3 or a prefab map, and can we use it on our own maps cos' I was planning on making a MOD based on your models and the Slave 1 would be very useful for the levels in it...


Thanks for all the very hard work you're doing!

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please stop asking for the models =P i already told you they'd be out later tonite or tommorow. ill post here once they've been submitted. the package will be sent to jkii.net, massassi, and polycount.



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Originally posted by Jango_Fett91

How do u taunt in jedi outcast?


you have to bind a key to +taunt


a) pull down the console using shift+tilde (~)

b) type bind x "+taunt"

c) where x is the key you want... i think +taunt is the command anyway..


BTW dont post this in this thread....if you dont know how to taunt ask in the appropriate forum...

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On behalf of everyone here, I would sincerely like to thank you two for working on this awesome model/skin pack. Your work is truly appreciated. I see this as the third big release in the JK2 editing community behind Aura Sing and Vader, and this is certainly the biggest one so far, if nothing else. Everything the two of you have done looks wonderful, and I am very much looking forward to trying out these models tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again!

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Sartis you say you want people to stop the posts about boba killin mace well u r jus making it worse And boba does kill mace boba isnt a normal bounty hunter you know(all im gonna tell u is he is strong with the force)! So just stop it alltogether this is the forum about the jango and boba models notin else besides a few other chats!

By the way abs u and bloodriot have awseome talents!

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DUDE! ur yelling at jango for spoiling something WHEN U JUST SPOILED SOMETHING URSELF!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!......... ok..... clam down Yoda..... once u start down the dark path forever will it dominate ur desteny.....



Ok on topic...... I CANT BELEVE HE SPOILED MORE!......


Ok OK RELLY on topic I CANT..... nice models........ AHHHHH!! abs and blood u two are ...... THAT GUY AHHHHHHHHH! grrrrrrrrrate!

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I don't usually talk on this thread, not wanting to add to the utter BS that clogs up the masterful work of the Fett duo, but here we are, a list of JK2 Heroes, with the Fett models to cream it off. (In no piticular order)












... And anyone who has made a file (yeah, me too! Woot. :D) for the JK2 community! You guys keep the community alive! More skins, more playability, more replability, more levels.. More l33t NPC duels... etc., etc. :)


-Darth Caedes-

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IN resonse to the comment above







they arent your models....




if you cant wait to get a jango and boba model then why dont you make it yourself



BLOOD AND ABSATH already said that if people keep hounding them like trolls then they wouldnt release it... why dont you take heed to these words and stop hounding him otherwise the entire community will pay for your incompetance... they are working as hard as can be to get a raven quality model out to us...


they have been nice enough to update us when something good happens and even let us know when the bad happens... they have always given us a time to expect the models and if they arent able to make it the let us know...




all to go see the movie... no all of us have.... so go see the movie and check back in a day or two..... if you dont have anything better to do than worry about a damn game model then something is wrong with your life...... so stop hounding them and wait till they are ready......


as i have been following this from the start but rarely post i have to say AMAZING WORK GUYS!!!!!! HIGH QUALITY MANDALORIANS!!!!


if you need pics of the slave 1 i got the vehicles visual dictionary


by the way



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