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Boba Fett Model


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Hehe im glad you like the taunts. I spent a good 3 hours sitting in front of my computer at 3am talking to myself =P That gungan one went through every variation from "You fight like a Gungan" to "I'd probably get more of a challenge fighting a Gungan" Im no voice actor ya know =P





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The taunts are very nice. I like the accent too, sounds good with the models. Is that your real accent?


Man, I don't think I'm going to be able to stop playing now, its so awesome! I really like using Jango with the new Leia gun model that came out. It reminds me of Jango's guns. Anyways, I'm babbling, great great work!

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hehe no im irish. thats a fake accent.


Messiah Erebus (the one who did the leia blaster) is currently hard at work modeling Jango's Pistol to replace the Bryar. Afterwards he has mention he plans to do Boba's gun as well.




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More great news. WOW, today turned out really nicely. Started out all cloudy, cold and grim...ended up sunny and warm with the Mandalorians released!


Jango's pistol and Boba's EE-3(I believe) would be sweet additions.


And yes, how's work on that level, last time I checked, it sounded like you had a pretty fun idea for a map.


You know, I just had an idea. I really have no clue about any type of editing for JKO...yet ;), but this just came to mind. If you wanted to make some of the wrist gauntlet weapons, couldn't you possibly make an invisible gun and have the laser blast coming out really far back and low, so it appears to come out of their gauntlets?


This prolly wouldn't work, since I don't know how the weapons work in this game, but I thought I'd get it out there.

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After placing Jango Fett in Single Player (replacing Kyle), I got this massive error. When drawing forth the lightsaber (and all other weapons for that matter) they stay locked to to the side of his right knee. The weapons never enter Jango's hands. Now I love playing as Jango and all, but having him walk around with the weapons on his knee (and completely unable to use the lightsaber) is a bit frustrating. I'm about to put Boba in to see if the problem isn't model specfic.


UPDATE: Well, Boba's got the same exact problem, and I'm prety sure the Mandalorians will too. :(


UPDATE2: Well, at least they work well in MP. :D I know nothing about modding for this game, so I'm unable to figure out just why it'll work for MP, but not SP. Quite puzzling...


UPDATE3: *blinks, tries it, scoots away in shame* Yup, that worked... Damn do I feel stupid...

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Yes i 'am downloading yours model, i have never posted a reply before this one on this thread in order to not disturb you in your work. I'm very astonished by quality by your work the models are as beautiful as those of Raven. You have done a good job it's sure. Now I'am wainting for your next projects and I wish you much courage for them.

Good job.

Qui-Gon Jinn, protector of the republic...

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I like the new models. Boba & Jango rule. And there's another mandalorian with a cape he also looks awesome. I didn't play with the others yet.


But i've seen some bugs:


Whenyou turn on protect (if you're playing a mandalorian) the Jetpacks rocked and the cape also show up (in the protect shield).


And when you play as Jango and turn on protect you'll see the cape.



PS don't change the saber. Not everyone wields it on the same way :)

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try making a directory called models\players\kyle in your c:


fill it with important boba fett files (model.glm, skin file etc)


place the files in a pk3 file in your \base directory.




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WOOOOW, i can't tell you what i think about these models because there is no word for it (it may be something between Awesome and Godlike).

and unfortunately there is no way to thatnk you enough for releasing these outstanding models.

waiting for the models' release yesterday evening was as exciting as the midnight showing of episode 2!

unfortunately the forum was overrun last night, so this was the first chance to thank you Abs and Blood.

Gonna play now!

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hey absath and bloodriot ... YOU GUYS ROCK!!


thanks for all the blood, sweat and tears you put into this model, helping to expand the jk2 universe, and allowing those who do not have such talent (including yours truly) to follow your progress during this trying ordeal.




btw - this post officially made me a pit droid. WOOHOO, i'm not bantha fodder anymore!!

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Hi, first of all, I'd like to say that you guys did a extremelly well done job. Congratulations!!!! The models are FANTASTIC... not only Boba and Jango, but the variatons are amazing. I specially like the red version of Boba...that one with the cape.


I just notice something while playing yesterday with the Fets models (I played for more than 4 hours and couldn't stop)...


The range of its lightsaber is smaller than on the other models and I think it maybe has something to do with the lightsaber position on the model. Normaly when you change to the strong stance (red) the model hold the lightsaber in a vertical position near its face. That doesn't happen (exactally) with the Fets.

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Originally posted by Asimon

The range of its lightsaber is smaller than on the other models and I think it maybe has something to do with the lightsaber position on the model. Normaly when you change to the strong stance (red) the model hold the lightsaber in a vertical position near its face. That doesn't happen (exactally) with the Fets.


I noticed that as well. When I do the "lunge" from red stance, the lightsaber doesn't connect with the ground like it does with other models...

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The only major "bug" I saw was the saber stance angle which of course has been mentioned. But I figured I'd mention it again due to this.... While just messing around and having all the new guys dueling in the arena as bots I noticed that in a saber lock the sabers did not actually touch at all.. it was more like a forearm lock. That only happened in one angle of a lock though, a few other locks were fine. So I would say fixing that would be the major concern.


The only other minor stuff I found was the taunts of some of them were so low volume I had to blast the speakers just to try to hear what was being said. Also it seems the helms of the new guys react funny to lights in certain places, and suddenly can glow white-ish over most of the back surface (I was messing around in over the shoulder view with guns and noticed this). It doesn't seem to affect Boba or Jango though.


Other than that.. the models are awesome. I look forward to seeing the sabers fixed as well as what ever other project you guys may start next. Definately worth the wait on those models.

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That's weird cuz "taunt" is only available in SP-Mode and it is not what you would call taunt (Kyle plays around with the Saber).


To use "taunts" in MP you gotta type: bind u "+button3" (the "s are important!)


Hope it will work ;)

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