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I beat the game 3 times on Jedi Master, and now it drives me insane that I can't beat Get Lando to the Lady Luck without the guys beating the crap out of him.


What am I doing wrong, someone tell me? I kill those guys that pop out at the ramp of the LL, then I force run to cut the guys up front, but seconds later Lando dies.


Some One please help me..




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I havn't tried jedi master yet but this is what i did when I was having trouble with that level using jedi knight.


First, I went around the back of the hangar (from the outside before the baddies start coming) and set one of those trip mines aross the back door. Then I went back to the front and got a remote bomb ready (i'd give the actual names but dont have my manual handy to looki them up). I then ran towards the back door and on the way place one of the remote bombs near that first fuel line on the right. As Lando was talking I kept running towards that bakc door and switched to thermals on the way. As soon as he got done talking the bad guys came through that back door, and the first 2 were blown away by the trip mine. the rest (on jedi knight i believe there were two more waives of 2) I took out with thermals before they could get through that door. As soona s they were done for, I switched back to the remote bombs as I ran back towards the front. about that time the bad guys were on top of the one I had already dropped so I triggered it. I was able to take out a few more with another remote by getting close and dropping it, then detonating as I ran back. Lastly I switched to my lightsaber and hit force speed before hacking away at the rest. The thermal throwing dudes I always targeted first cause they do so much damage and go after LAndo as well. Also, I tried placing a lot of proximity mines near the front entrance (by front I mean the big hangar doors) but found that Lando sometimes ran out there and toasted himself. It took me a few tries to get this to work but once I did the level became a whole lot easier. The hardest part was timing my thermals so I killed each pair comming through the small door in one shot. Hope this helps some.

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I'd say someone likes mines :)


The trip mines are really useful if you know where the enemies are gonna show up. I haven't figured out the detonator packs yet, but that's next.


I once trip mined an area where a Reborn was gonna show up. Then, as he came running through the door to get me, he blew himself to kingdom come. It was grand!! :rofl:

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