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another drain hater


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i know theres a lot of this going around, and also with grip, but force drain has to be the cheapest force power ever, you can absorb it, but that only lasts so long, and its impossible for dark jedi to counter without sccumbing to the wussiness of drain themselves, making it a "whoever can draw the drain first wins the battle" thing. cant people just try to vary their force use a little...how hard could it be to play with more than one force power the whole game, and who can have fun using one cheap force power the entire game?

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Yea I here ya. Although I wouldn't say any force power is cheap unless highly overused. But that's something the user has to deal with. I use the dark side and have this usually set:


Jump - 3

Push - 3

Pull - 1

Grip - 3

Lightning - 3


Saber attack - 3

Defend - 3

Throw - 3


I don't use lightning hardly ever and I often ponder why I even waste that many points on it. I use Grip only on throw maps when it's accepted and not overused. I use push to get out of Grip and other various defenses. Pull I've used like 5 times since I got the game...seriously. Jump I can't get enough of. I could play in a server for like 20 minutes just jumping around (I haven't done this before...well...not too much ;) ). Drain I found no fun in so I don't even set that. Most of my force powers are for protection when needed. Other than that I attack and for the most part defend with my lightsaber...a real weapon.



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Believe it or not there are ways to counter drain, especially if you are a light jedi. I usually play dark jedi but I've been countered plenty of times by the light guys. I probably cant give you the best strategy but use someof your other force powers like mind trick and learn ways of stopping someone draining by attacking him. Trust me. Even as a Dark jedi, I've had my butt kicked buy severl light jedi who made my drain ability almost useless.

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