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creating a game


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SOLUTION: Get your IP and give it to your friends. Have them open your console by pressing SHIFT + ~. Type, in the console "connect <your IP here>". They will connect to your server without a problem.


Its probably not the only way, but its a very easy way.



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if you are using xp go to start run, then type command then type ipconfig


it will show your ip


hrm i forget all the ways to get it, 95/98 has start run winipcfg


not sure what it is in 2000, maybe winipcfg is there also, or it might be start run, command, ipcfg not sure hehe


Hope that helps.


Ps if you have a router you need the router's ip address and not your internal one you get via ipconfig.



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I have the same poroblem...

There's got to be some way to create an internet based game... There's a lot of them out there.


I've tried, but it doesn't show in the list, and when I look at "about" it says "Address: Localhost". I'm assuming that it's not even connecting to the internet. To prove this, I started a game while disconnected, it still started up fine...


Also, I've set up the join games to "internet" so i can find other games, but I still can't get an internet based game started.


I've even tried asking in game... but they're usually too busy to answer...



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