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Saber combos...


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hey whaddup.


i'm curious to know how many players out there took time to figure out saber combos?

i actually took some time to play around with sword techniques and got down a few combos with the light and strong stances.

i'm sure everyone played around with the possible moves you can do, but how have you connected each maneuver to create a "combo?"


heh...yes, it IS possible to do combos.

and these aren't "sloppy-hope-it-can-hit" kind of combos too. lol.


actually...i'm hoping to trade combos with another player.

edit: these combos were meant for multiplayer. :)

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I dont know, combos dont see like they'd be too useful to me in Saber combat. Aside from a few of the most basic ones, that is. Its always best to be fluid, and when you're focusing all your energy on performing a combo, I'd imagine that it would be kind of hard to react to your opponent.


They might be good vs bots, but I can see myself using them much on humans.

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actually, i've only played against other (human) players.

and it's come off pretty well.

it doesn't look sloppy, and i've even recieved a few compliments about it.


in fact, there was this one time i took out an opponent with a 4 hit light stance combo when he was at full health.



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Actually,I think there isn't real ''combo'' besides the special move of strong stance and light stance wirling things....

Is there any new combo?I mean ''new'' must contain new moves appear in combo ,not that we just combine some base move together like diagno attack go with a jump attack ....

btw,I am not very skilled , but i must be a skilled saberist cuz i have played for a long time in duel server , and have not bad grades.

In my opinion,waiting for opponents attack and counter is the way to win.

combo?? don't bother using that.

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I have a 4 hit combo that I can pull off about 70% of the time. If the hits were not so random for one position, I would be able to pull it off all the time. Medium stance, hit forward and if the right attack goes off you go to your left, right, left. I know it doesnt sound like much, but if the right swing goes off first, the following ones will not circle but just wave your saber from left to right 4 times in a row, without spinning. Does some nice damage when it goes off right. If you are walking it consentrates them more in one spot also.

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ive gotta combo


its like one of qui-gon-jins moves on jedi power battles


this moves a bit of a charge and hope but its effective

if ur charging at ur opponent, do a diagonal swing left then one right then back left, he shud spin all the way round and do another, as he comes round jump as he finishes and he shud do a diagonal spin like move in the air


ull know what i mean if u c it and i did it in medium


experiment with moves that r similar, like the 2 horizontal slashes and try using crouches and jumps

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I really dont like the combo system in JKII. It may work for single player where there are plenty of enemies around you.


But in multiplayer they tend to lose their effectiveness as they require directional input which more often than not, does not agree with what your opponent is doing.

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The combo I use sometimes is on Medium Stance - charging at an opponent, jump and swing forward: the combo comes in if I mistime it and don't do the special spin-flip move, or if I miss them, in which case I end up facing away from my opponent and they're behind me (I'd be facing towards their back if I pulled off the spin-flip).


In this case I attack while strafing right or left, which makes you spin around, swinging the sabre behind you on your way around. This is good since it keeps my back covered and then allows me to keep moving into a better position, assuming I haven't killed the opposition with this move. The downside is that it leaves you open for a moment though, but I don't think I've ever been killed in this position.

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wow, you guys got some pretty good combos.

anyway, i'll share one of mine.


this is a four hit combo using light stance in multiplayer.

useful if you want to jump into an opponent when you see an opportunity.


- jumping slash

- right to left rising slash

- left to right forward slash

- uppercut slash


(how to do it)

- jump in with a light spin slash, hold your primary.

- in mid-air after executing the first slash, quickly hold back+strafe left (still holding the primary).

- once the second slash begins to animate, quickly hold back+strafe right (still holding primary) - crouch to reduce movement and preparing for final blow.

- after third slash animates, execute the "uppercut" slash.


i'd be happy to demonstrate this to anyone who needs help.

just get a hold of me and i'll meet you in a server.





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The quick yellow combos rock, and that slow swing is one of the best "tag" moves do to its long range. You run to the side, do a three slash combo (takes about 1.5 seconds to do 3 swings) then finish it with one of these, and if you position it right as the enemy runs off you can just tag him in the head with the ip of your saber.

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  • 3 weeks later...

shad0x: you will have to find your own style. The one that fits you and that you are familliar with.

If you want some guidelines on which styles a good against what try out:



good luck and you just have to experiment!!

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