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Yet another doomgiver stuck, different from others


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ok, I'm stuck looking for the doomgiver. Im in a room where the floor is electrified and there is a big craft/structure in the middle. I killed all the baddies and went into the thing in the middle, up its elevator to the top. I cant do anything in there, nor in the two middle levels of the structure thing. I can see a catwalk along the wall, but I cant get to it. I got so frustrated that I no cliped over to it. So i turn off the power so the floor is safe, and the other switch moves the catwalk back and forth next to the structure thing, but that door next to the switches never opens. assuming I could find a way to the catwalk without cheating, what do I do to open that door and keep moving on this mission?

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It sounds like you're in Cairn_Assembly where they're building these pod-like things. What you need to do is use the crates on the floor as "islands". This is another "jump from pillar to pillar" puzzle. Anyway, you'll get to a point where you can jump into the pod. There should be an elevator in front of you, so take it up. Then, walk to a window, crouch, and keep walking. You should then be in a position to jump onto the catwalk. Then, you flip the switches. One turns off the electricity, the other moves the catwalk. As near as I can tell, moving the catwalk serves no function in the game, but it's a nice realistic touch. Anyway, now that the electricity is off, you can get through a door on the floor level that was previously sealed. The door by the control room doesn't open; it's just decoration, as far as I know.

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