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First, start a multiplayer game. Select that you want to create a server. Then, choose "play". Now, you should have a screen with a whole bunch of options. To play against bots, change the player list from "Human" (the default) to another "skin" (ie TK421, a Trooper, etc). Make sure to leave one slot open as "Human", or you won't be able to play. Now, choose the type of game, etc that you want. You can also change the difficulty setting. Then start the game. You will then be given a chance to configure your player. If you can't bring up a saber, but you have powers assigned to a saber, then you need to save your configuration, quit the game (not the program, just exit to the configuration screen) and re-start the match. This feature is great, because it provides unlimited replayability. Hope this helps.

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