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Question about MP push/pull


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can somone explain the dynamics of the Push/Pull system to me?


When i push/pull it feels almost random; sometimes they go far, somtimes they barely move.



last night i fought a guy that shoved me on the ground EVERY SINGE TIME!


what conditions are involved in distances and knocking down?

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Push/pull SUCK!


I only use grip if I want to move someone. Ive fought countless numbers of people who just run away from me, and will only attack if they can push me on the ground. There such morons!


And its absolutley insane on NS_Streets or Warring Sides. NOBODY will EVER fight me. Its just a bunch of headless chickens running around pushing/pulling/and gripping their lives away. I once was standing there, with my saber off, waiting for a challenge, and 3 people converged on me, and all of them starting force pushing me. They ended up throwing their own idiot selves into oblivion, I was left standing, and I just logged off....that was idiotic.


Anyway to answer your question:::

It depends on your force points. I think in order to push/pull someone onto the ground, you have to have at least 2 ranks, possiblly 3. Save your points for something more uesfull though, like saber throw, or force jump. Those two will keep you out of trouble with pushers, aka. n00bs.

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So if someone uses a force push to push you down the abyss that one is a noob?

And because they use a tehnique to kill someone quick and easily they should stop it? This game is about fun, if you blood begins to boil because of such unimportant things you should take a break from it.



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your stance and what you're doing is a critical factor in how effective push/pull is in MP


if you're standing still and not attacking, you'll do the same thing that Dessan and the other NPC's in the game do when you push them, you'll just shoulder into the push/pull and not move


however if you're attacking in any way shape or form, you're wide open for a push/pull, the strength of the person's force meter, and the level of push/pull they are setup for will determine how far you go or whether you're thrown to the ground or not.


the more experienced players will be able to push/pull you at will because they'll only attempt it when you're attacking and wide open, alot of newbie's will try it at random and usually be much less effective.


the purple one

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Originally posted by TasamBladefire

Push/pull SUCK!


I only use grip if I want to move someone..........

Those two will keep you out of trouble with pushers, aka. n00bs.


I normally wont make a comment out of anything, but this strikes me as a bit odd..


First off all, the person posting this topic was only informing about the dynamics behind the forcepowers, he obviously wasnt interested in the fact that he uses it makes him a.. ahem " n00b ", as you so elegantly put it.




I think I speak for the majority of the people who have to deal with grip users if I say that push is one of the the best ways to counter grip. VERY useful for pushing back the lost rocket someone fired at you too. In the hands of a more veteran player push/pull is very effective. I'd recommend the points in push over saberthrow anytime.


Ofcourse, I agree on your statement that random use of push is a bit useless, but so is randomly throwing your lightsaber.

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I use push as one of my premier powers especially in Nar Shaada, it is the noobs who I keep pushing over and over the ledges, they keep trying to attack me on a walkway and as soon as they attempt it I push em over the ledge or knock em down and go up to them and hack away with my saber. It is an advanced tactic when you perfect it as I am trying to do.



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alright, thanks, a couple more quick questions


1. I am not a noob, and i do not overuse these powers, i just want to know how they work so when i need to use them, they are more effective


2. #1 isnt a question, and neither is #2


3. Are their any special factors going into pulling weapons?


4. what are the differences between 2 and 3 for push and 2 and 3 for pull (esp related to weapon pulling and projectile counters)


It seems that you are wide open for push when force jumping, this has made me feel like the Cyote in the cartoons i watched when i was a little jedi LoL :D

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Originally posted by Jedi-Bert


4. what are the differences between 2 and 3 for push and 2 and 3 for pull (esp related to weapon pulling and projectile counters)


It seems that you are wide open for push when force jumping, this has made me feel like the Cyote in the cartoons i watched when i was a little jedi LoL :D


As answer to your question, the difference between 2 and 3 is that you can do it to multiple targets at the same time. 2 is limited to 1 target.


Performing actions like jumping, attack, using force powers etc, leave you open for push. if you stand still you will wave off the effect with a nice little cloud animation over your hand :)

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one more question


when you say 1 target, will it still work on multiple projectiles at the same time with level 2, IE the secondary fiore of the (i cant spell it) flachette weapon


LOL im in HTML class, and im done with my projects, so thats why im interrogating you guys

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force level 3 push is best for repelling projectiles, because it lets you push a much larger area, and from far greater distances.


in most cases you can push a rocket back at the user almost immediately after it's fired with force 3 push. I haven't found pull to be effective at all accept for possibly knocking someone down, or catching someone that's running away from you. I know many a player has pulled me right on top of them while I'm in the middle of an attack that would have missed, only to have it hit them square in the head cause they pulled me right into them, that's always fun.


as for pulling weapons, in my experience that's pretty random, sometimes I pull and the weapon goes flying as does the player, other times, just the player comes flying. the higher the force pull level, the more area is affected so you're likely to get either the weapon, the player, or both when you pull. I haven't found a way to be precise with high level pulls.




the purple one

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I'd like to deviate onto a topic just touched in this thread, Nar Shaddar streets and force push. It has been complained about that everyone on that level is a push ***** but, honestly, thats what the level was designed to encourage. To look for a saber duel there is silly. Some maps lend themselves to push and some to saber fighting. Try to choose one that suits your style of play. Furthermore i LOVE push on that map. Its so funny. Its like playing a whole different game and if you can take a pushing with good grace then you will not have more fun on any other map.

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Great use for pull if your in a room / corridor. Have your opponent infront of you, and back up towards the wall, as they run /attack towards you, hit em with pull and straffe left or right and the opponent will slam into the wall behind you, taking damage and being knocked down

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I push a lot, so many guys try to grip me end up fall to the ground or even to hell. Some skillful gripping sith get both of us killed, we fall fatally. Only very experienced gripper can get me. I push rockets also. When I see them, I stand still pushing and they fly back. However, veteran rocketters aim at places next to me so that I can't push the rockets easily. And I am learning pushing the alternate fire of repeater, I saw some good pushers reject the bolt away, really cool. Push is very useful in CTF, stop the enemies from coming and leaving.


Pull is also useful, but not very. My ping is usually high and all CTF attackers outrun me even I use speed running. I can only stop the flag takers by pulling them back. Very often they are speeding but still can't leave me and even next to me for several seconds. This is critical as some team mates can kill them in this moment. Pull sometimes can drop people and cause them fall deadly more effectively than push.

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Pull ALWAYS works for grabbing weapons, but you have to have it set to at least lvl 2. To pull weapons, you have to be fairly close to your target and they have to be turned in a way that you can see the weapon (it wont work if thier backs are turned.) I do it all the time, you'd be surprised how many people who have the highest score will turn and run like cowards or flail helplessly with their sabers once you grab their repeater.


Now, a gun user with absorb activated... RUN!!! ;)

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