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Anyone else have sticky keys?


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You probably have a Microsoft keyboard, right? I get the same problem too. If you hold down three or more keys for longer than an X amount of keyscans, one of the keys sticks, and you have to press and release it again for the keyboard to realise that you're actually not pushing it anymore.


Trust Microsoft to be able to bug a damn keyboard..


Still, they're the only ones that do a GOOD ergonomic keyboard, so... :)



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Two points:


1 ) I don't have sticky keys, but I have sort of busted my 'v' key (force pull) playing this game. It works most of the time, but if you hit it at a funny angle it doesn't.


2 ) Microsoft aren't the only people who make good ergonomic keyboards. I have a _very_ nice Logitech one. (The 'dodgy' key might go against this, but I abuse it a lot and it has lasted me over 2 years of pure gaming).


I love ergonomic keyboards, some people hate them, but I love them. And this one is better than the Microsoft ones because the 'middle' keys (t, g, b, y, h and n) are 'full height' all the way along, unlike the Microsoft ones which are only full height a little was along, then they go 'small'.


The only thing I have against this keyboard is that it is quite loud when you type. Apart from that, I love it.

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I dont have sticky keys, but I've noticed that Jedi sometimes has slow reaction to the keys. Saying sometimes, but still too often, since not only does it start up on me at the wrong time, but it doesnt' happen on any other games.


Oh well.


Got an Ergo board too, and oncce I got used to it, I can barely type on any regular keyboards.

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So it IS a MS "feature" eh? I took it into the shop and they told me that and I thought they were trying to scam me.

Seems it has something to do with the fact that MS uses this key buffer for people who type too fast, so that the keyboard can send all the data through and not miss any letters. I guess holding down multiple keys (I especially find this with the C key) causes the buffer to over flow or something...


I think using the USB adapter may fix this, though I havent tried it.

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