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Whats your favorite force power on duel servers?


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On duel servers, or FFA sabers only I have a few questions for you.


1. Dark or light?


I go light, I prefer to kill with a saber, not with force powers(Just because I find it easier, if you want to grip me to death more power to you.........)


2. Whats your favorite force power?


I have to go for push first- its usefull in SO many situations. Push someon off if you need to run, knock someone off a cliff, knock em down for a final blow, etc etc......I just love it so many uses. Saber throw in a CLOSE second...... I like to jump, than right as I leave the ground throw the saber and land crouching behind the person...........if you angle it right and get their head tons of damage.


Healing in a distant third, just beacuse its usefull, not nearly as usefull as push or saber throw though.

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I usually go for dark, not just for the powers but also because I am a big Darth Vader fan :D


Also, I think its a bit of a disadvantage that absorb leaves you all blue-glowing. Somehow people start to ignore you until you turn it off. There are the occasional Dark players who try to drain or grip you anyway. Thanks guys!

As for the light side heal, i tend to use drain NOT for draining the other players mana completely, just to get my health up quick when I see some players swinging like the notorious headless-chickens.

Please note that I do not use it in duels unless the other side uses heal.


As for grip.. I got push, who needs grip ? :)

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force jump and absorb are my two favorite force powers.


the rest I only use if I'm sabering someone whose trying to gain every advantage by spamming moves at me.


force protect has to be the most useless force in the game IMO, maybe I'm just using it incorrectly, but it's only good for one hit even if you're maxed out in force mana. you use protect, half your meter dissappears, then you get hit and it takes the rest of your meter away and you're wide open again, without force mana, and unable to do anything but dodge or rush into a force fight with no force power.


the purple one

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Always Darkside. Playing with the Emperor skin and a red light saber is just 2 kool in my books. My favourite force is maybe : Force Pull. get them close to you and pull so they fall over and as their on the ground switch to heavy blow and destroy them.

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Single player I love Grip.. its so nice watching that Imperial Officer choke....



But Multiplayer I love Force Pull.


So many people expect you to use Push on them... which doesn't always knock them over...


But when they are running towards you with their saber, timing their attack to just the right moment, and you use pull, immediately swinging in attack at them, it catches them off guard. They are suddenly past the point they wanted, touching you saber almost and being hit.. :D

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Drain is my favourite. Not drain plus lightning or drain plus grip or anything else, just drain. Stops pesky saber throws and 1 hit kill jumps, stops heal *****s and anybody who wants to spam with one power. Forces lightsaber vs lightsaber combat, and usually heals me up from cheap shots with lightning and the like.


Not just in duels too, i ALWAYS go dark side, ive played light side....erm...... zero times in multiplayer. I love drain, my favourite application is to drain people about to make a big jump and they fall short, on CTF_Bespin when im running the flag back i come out the lower corridor to the walkway area, usually with 2 or 3 pursuers on my back (server is ctf restricted force powers saber only), i turn around, drain them then jump up into the window overlooking the pit and head for the flag pad. Some are sensible enough not to jump so i turn around and give em a salute (or taunt depending on the model i guess ;)). The ones who dont check their force meter plummet to their doom.


Its much more fun when you ARE the pursuer and you drain the one whos about to jump with the flag.


The blue team has returned their flag!

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