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Oh Masters Help this little Padawan!!! HEEEEELP

Cyan Colder

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Hi people!!


I know this will sound SOOOOO lame but can I have some help with a ridiculous matter here?


I just got my paws (no I am not a Wookie ;)) on Jedi Outcast and I stayed up until 5 in the morning playing... But Gods forbid...

I CAN'T FIND HOW TO OPEN THE STUPID BLAST DOOR ON THE very first mission... I went up I went down, I took the security card from the officer and I find this cubicle of shorts with this huge lever just saying "Pull me, pull me" and the door next to it is locked... And I can't find anything else to pull, push or manipulate..


The only thing I manage to do is to enable the perimeter defenses (that mounted cannon) and have Jan yell at me for that.


So please help this little Padawan and tell me HOW DO I OPEN THE DOOR???


(see? That is why I am a Padawan and you are Masters! Cause I can't even go through the first mission!)


Thanks people,


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go to gamefaqs.com


and next time you want help, go to the single player help forum....it has very thorough walkthroughs available in addition to people who will answer specific level help and other questions...


but immediately, to beat that part


i would hope that for 99% of the people on this forum that this isnt a spoiler, so here goes:


when you kill the officer to your right (after entering the room that the officer was in) should be a round elevator (well if it isnt, you are in the wrong place, so look around)


go up the elevator....to your right will be a long platform thingy on the ground........go up that platform there will be a control room in front of you


go to the window, press the console, watch the cinematic, then go down that long platform/elevator and go forward


you should see 2/3 stormies (depending on difficulty) and then you can kill those or let jan kill them (i killed them myself because i hate having to start the level over because the npc i was babysitting died)


then go back down to jan and jump on the gun, swing around and shoot the door


if you need help after that point, i would definitely go to the SP help forums or gamefaqs.com


good luck

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lol you sound like some of my newbie friends =P


both of my friends w/ JO got stuck on the first level...

then i gave them a faq and they only had to call me a few times lol


if i ever get stuck in a game, i just go around tapping the use key until i see something happen =)


eventually, something does


my friends just give up and call me for help heh

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

lol you sound like some of my newbie friends =P


both of my friends w/ JO got stuck on the first level...

then i gave them a faq and they only had to call me a few times lol


if i ever get stuck in a game, i just go around tapping the use key until i see something happen =)


eventually, something does


my friends just give up and call me for help heh




if i ever get stuck i shoot anything that looks out of place! it works most times!!

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