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I, Jedi Mod, anyone interested?


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Had an idea for doing an SP mod of I, Jedi. Idea came about because I saw a good Keiran Halcyon Skin/Bot and also the general plot of the actual game reminds me of the story.

Idea is for a multilevel Conversion, that would follow the plot very closely. The actual levels wouldn't be too hard but what would be interesting would be:


Use the engine to do some Xwing/clutch sequences with force power included.


New force power implimentation, such as predict - Jedi can see options a character is going through to decide on a path (like in the lightsabre training sequences from the the book.


Force Absorb would need to be included in SP and act as a power up for pull and push (as Corran can't do telekenesis otherwise)


Mind trick would need to be more powerful, as this is often Corrans only defense, would also be needed to trigger certain events.


There would be a couple of skins and character/object models as well ie the Camaasi and the togorian. Most of the objects and ships I could handle, possibly even the maps but I've never made anew map before and would appreciate help (especially as I have some wild ideas about how to illustrate the deeper side of the force through mapping. If someone can figure out how to encode and include the fmv I could also do that:I'm a trained animator :-)

Basically I can do some of it, but I'd really like to see this mod work properly, and so I would need help with the stuff above. Mainly with coding cos I DON'T Program, at all :)


If anyone is interested please Email me or reply to this post.





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Yeah, sounds interesting. I am currently reading "I, Jedi", that's why I made the Keiran Halcyon skin. There are nearly 100 pages left until I am through the book, but I can say that it is a good one.

So making a mod would be cool. But for this we need the SDK.

Then we can see if it's possible.

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That Would Be Great I Jedi is one of my favourite star wars books

taking part in the jedi academy would be great the force powers you mentioned would be great but 1 problem in i jedi there is not very much action it is mostly exploring action is more of the academy and the jensaari how would you fix this?


ps i can try 2 get you pictures of a Clutch Fighter and Booster Terrik


i got the pictures of both of them




is Booster Terrik


And the Clutch Fighter



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Ok, the main problem is you would need to edit the source code. THIS IS A MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Mainly because the only people who have it is Raven, who would never give it up (for obvious reasons). So have them do the coding for you, and get the community to do the modelling and level creation. Also, get someone REALLY good with Lightwave or even 3dMax because the cutscenes will have to be made from scratch.



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I am that good with Max :cool: (Smug)

No really though, Raven have released a lot of cool stuff for Elite Force so it maybe that they'll release an SDK or something. If not then the level design would have to be very careful to allow for No use of telekenesis or variable use. I mean, we currently have triggers for giving force powers mid level. taking them away (ysalimiri effect) so it maybe that the trigger arrangement would be fiddly and innelegant but workable.


Getting back to the cutscenes I think those'd be the least of our worries (the codec seems to be a variation of the BIK format, I think I saw binkplay.dll in the installation, though it's not just a rename :( makes things more difficult. It's the game element that needs to be right. The book is more an exploration of character, both of Corran and of the Force itself and that is what would need to be an underlying current in the gameplay.


Jeez I'm sounding like one of my lecturers...Somebody zap me, quick! :)

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In reply to X wing pilot:


Getting the action/exploration mix is what would be the challenge of the Mod. there are some moments that could be shown in cutscene or fmv, like corran's meeting with his grandfather, but even there there are flashbacks where Corran could become part of the action. Exploration wise there is correllia and stuff. There's dogfights (again need to play with code for that but could be possible) and even a fisticuffs moment :D so I think action wise and exploration wise there is a lot of scope.

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It's unfortunate the only real saber battles would be against the jensaarai (sp?) near the end

also you could tweak the story a bit to add a little more action or playable experiences

I'm seeing shenmue-ish adventure scenes on correllia and the pirate world

and spreading fear among the pirates would be extremely fun

also for the nightmare, getting control of Nejaa would be sweet

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To the Guy Who has the Balls to make a I, Jedi Mod I say go for it, But i do agrre to the fact that there is not that much action in the begining of the book but i know there are people out there who can twik the plot a lil bit to give it some action. but this is coing from a person that is only 200 pages into the book.

well i wish u luck to the guy with the ball to make it


one questen though how are u going to dot the dog fights in the game?



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