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dueling techniques and the new z-swing


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You all whine too much. Who cares, really? If you really want to change it talk to someone who can make mods. Or try to outlaw it on the server you just joined it. Whatever you do, don't meet me in a saber duel, it's always my first move. :p:wstupid::duel:

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I agree it can be dodged when a newbie is using it but there are some people that use it so often they've totally masteredthe ability to swing but not be able to get hit themselves. I really hope it gets taken out aswell. Typically In a duel if someone does it over and over to me I just lower my saber and let them kill me. All the people watching laugh saying why did you do that. And I just tell them that it was a waste of time trying to hit him when all he can do is use SS. Then the person who kills me usually gets ridiculed. If they challenge me again I just don't accept. What i don'T understand is how people have fun constantly using that.

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In NF saber duel servers, I've gone up against a few people who have mastered the use of the SS. It's all they do, and I can only manage to get one or two hits in if I'm lucky. (even using heavy stance)


If the collision detection was fixed with it, there'd be no problems just running up to them while they're on the ground and whackin 'em a couple of times. But noooooo, my pinky toe scrapes their saber while its in the ground and I'm dead. :rolleyes: It looks safe to attack 'em, but it's not. :o


If this is all we had to play with, (IE: no patch what so ever) in about a year, it would come down to who mastered the SS the most. Just like the 2nd fire swing from JK. I don't think this is what Raven wants.


Why'd they put it in there? Beats me. People say, "Raven made it that way so quit whinin" but what they fail to realize is that **** falls through the cracks, no matter how well someone has programmed something.

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There seems to be two types of people in open, NF duels: newbies, and ones who use the Strong Special attack.

I kind of resent this remark. Not all of us are newbies or using the SS. I never use heavy in a NF duel, I use medium or the light special. Medium is a very nice stance on a NF server cause if you stand still heavy attacks will be blocked. Granted the SS wont but you just have to be ready with kick or just move.

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Raynaga: In all the NF duels I've seen, you can still jump, use wallwalk, roll, and kick. I don't see why it would be any other way.


Everyone else: I really don't see the SS as being all that effective against someone with an ounce of skill. On Force servers, I just push them in midair. If it's NF, I roll past them when they jump, roll/jump back, hop to the side and get them as they fly by, or simply jump straight up (which is slightly less effective). And it works almost every time.


[Edit]: I just realized that you can't kick if force is disabled. oops. I'm used to having force enabled and then the players both agreeing on No Force, which means you CAN still kick. :rolleyes:

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In all the NF duels I've seen, you can still jump, use wallwalk, roll, and kick. I don't see why it would be any other way.


Everyone else: I really don't see the SS as being all that effective against someone with an ounce of skill.


How then, assuming that they do the one his kill move and keep their blade pointed at you the whole time, do you suggest killing these people? Remember if you touch the blade you instantly die.


Now if your not talking about the special, then your right because some one with skill can beat a novice player using strong stance. But two players of equal level with their equvilent stances... the red will win.

Why? Hit detection. Your playing a guessing game of whats actually going to hit you with something that causes one hit kills (at least if you have no sheilds).

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But two players of equal level with their equvilent stances... the red will win.

When or "IF" they fix how random the blades move per swing, this does not hold true. Alot of times if 2 people are of equal skill it comes down to who gets the hits they were trying to pull off, without being lucky enough that they do the move they were trying.

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I was, am still, under the impression that wall-walk and kick, etc etc all require a certaina mount of points in Force Jump. Rather hard when there is no force at all. The manual is unfortunately horribly uninforming on the matter (damn tiny boxes...) so I am not sure as to how I might investigate further.



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Lets leave the red special move separate from normal red stance.


Normal red stance isn't broken in the least, and from what ive seen on the thread, they lump the cheezyness of the one move with the whole stance. Since MOST of the moves are hideously slow with an below average recovery time, red is very balanced and takes skill to pull off(since you have to make your swings count). Already ill pop on servers and people will be like no red, which sucks cause its my fav stance;)


However, that jumpslash move has to go. I play mostly nf servers, and its a mother to defend against. Its easy to see coming, but because its basically a risk free move, lamers will just exploit the hell out of it. And like someone posted before, all it takes is one mistake and your dead. Hell, one guy cleared off a nf server i was on today because thats all he kept on doing. On force servers, its no big deal. But without force, its too dominant a move.

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