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Your video setup


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since we had the "tell us about your playing machine" thread, let's stick to something new (or maybe not new, i don't know, 'cause the search feature is disabled)


what is your video setup like. i mean resolution, color depth and so on.


i for one am kicking it at everything maxed out (except res: 1024x768) on a 1ghz/geforce2ultra/384mb ram system, works good for singleplayer, but sucks for multiplayer (since on FFA servern many models are to be seen)


what are your setups like?

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AMD Athlon 1700+ (1.46Ghz)


GeForce 2 Pro 64Mb (220/440 core/mem)


I run 1024*768*32 with everything maxed out in sp and mp. Frame rates jump a little, but is smooth enough to make it worth it. I don't play online (crappy 56k), so mp framerates aren't that much of a factor. I would rather have a good looking game.

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I have a 1gig Athlon overclocked at 1200MHz, 256MB Ram and a ATi Radeon 32SDR. Which seems to run the game very good, except loading times (I think it's something to do with high res textures). In single player I normally get 60 to 90 FPS.

When I play mulitplayer on the internet (56k) it is about 20 to 40 FPS. But, can get lagy at times, can drop to 10 FPS:(


Also, I'm in 1024x768*32

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