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MP Changes (some suggestions)


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O.K. I am sure everyone has had thier fill of Death match..Team Death Match, Capture the Flag. How about something new?? I have been playing CS (Counter Strike: It is a sweet Half-life Mod), and I have thought of a few ways to make Jedi a little more interesting. Have the story lines form the movies in the Multi Player game. Like this....You have two teams Empire, and Rebel. The Rebels have to turn off the Tractor beem to leave the Death-Star. You have 5 minutes to do it...and return to the ship. Of course this is round based. Next you have the Empire defending the Base on Endor, the rebels have to destroy the generators with some thermal detonators. You could even have Rescue the hostages scinario. The Emprire has the princess and a few others captured in the holding cells, and the Rebels have to break them out.


Can anyone tell Raven or Lucasarts to think about these suggestions...I mean I love the game...but I had enough Death Match from Quake II and Tibes II, Same goes for Capture the flag (mostly UT I blame that one on). I need more, or am I just being selfish?? So sue me..I still want it!!


P.S. My spelling sucks, and sorry for the gramer..I think faster than I can type.

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