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MP change suggestion (mod, patch or expansion)


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Sorry if this has already come up, but I haven't seen it.


We have a couple of different modes: all, or saber only.


What about guns only?


I find that in MP, the Bryar pistol and stormtrooper gun are basically useless, because anyone can deflect virtually every shot. Why bother even having those in MP?


If we could select a guns-only mode, then sabers would be disabled (like in SP level one), and your only defense against being shot at would be run, jump, roll, cover... Not just stand there facing your opponent and ignore it.


Just a thought.



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No, it's called Quake 3 Team Arena, with increased poly counts and professional-quality total conversion to Star Wars models, skins, textures, maps and weapons. Oh, and it comes free with the purchase of Jedi Outcast.


I think that still counts for something.



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I would like to see an option on MP duel servers for limiting the Force to either Light or Dark only. If not this I would like to see Drain tweaked so it is not so unbalanced. It is too easy for a Dark Jedi to completely Drain your powers then Grip and one shot. Yes, there are ways around it like Absorb, but then all they have to do is wait for Absorb to end and your powers are too low anyway. It is no fun when you start a battle and your opponent is immediatly Draining you.



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I completely agree, In fact, how about a mode that ONLY allows the neutral powers? In my opinion, pushing, pulling, and jumping best give you that "Jedi feeling" anyway. Of course, healing is good. But if nobody could do it, that would be fair too.

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