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Stuck at Cairn Reactor


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OK I am at the place where you are on this , little transport gondle and this imperial with a rocket launcher is shooting at one of the gondels traveling platforms, now i managed to kill him, but that didn't stop him from blowing it up, then i jumped onto those ledges but i got thrown of it time and time again cause of the explosions.

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As soon as you get on the gondola thing jump on to one of the platforms along the side. If you do this early enough, you'll be out of range of the rocket launcher guys. Then you have to jump from one platform to the next to get to the other side. You will want to take your time and keep alert while you are jumping since as soon as they have a line of fire, they start shooting at you. I was able to force puch the first guys rockets right back at him to take him out. The other guy I had to find the right spot to snipe him quickly while still able to get out of the way of his rockets. It will take a few trys most likely before you can pass this area. Hope this helps.

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Actualy I mamaged to kill the last rocket trooper with the blasts from the thing that shoots like lightning if you use force lightning, you can go outside of his reach and shoot at the wall/floor or at the door behind him and it will kill him then you can take your time jumping to the end

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