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It's so awesome when Jan



SOrry for my deception but I don't want to ruin it for others.


but she DIES? God damn NOOOO!!! I was mad pissed. Tavion, that stupid sonofa*****, cut her head off? Christ, it's not f'ing Mardi Gras, you dumb hoe. I was mad about that. I think that the DF series will probably close here. THe next one will contain all new characters and stuff.


I didn't think it was true until Desann said that she did in the shuttle. This suxors.



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Yeah, that part really sucks. Not gonna say more tho for fear of having to use the spoiler tags.




Ha ha ha, this isn't a spoiler, but you thought it was. Ha ha ha. I tricked you good and now you are mine! *snap-hiss of a lightsaber being activated before going through your neck* All too easy!


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