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Petition: Remove Saber Throwing In FFA duels Next Patch


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I dont think this should be allowed. I usually dont use saber throw, because with force its useless, and on noforce you can't throw your saber (i should hope so right?).


I mean #1 the saber uses force to throw in the first place, and there is NO force in duels.


When you duel the saber throwing really ****s you over, especially since light stance doesn't block it (which being that its already weak enough and yet you have no advantage in defense as that as a heavy stancer, its rediculous) unless you constantly keep looking down or crouch 24/7.


I think as a whole it is fine but please remove its use from use in ffa duels.


thanks you.

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idiotic? you result to name calling with absolutely nothing to back yourself up with. Your the ****ing moron.


Its NoForce duel, and it should be No saber throwing either.


Btw yea it suuuure would be nice if they fixed collision detection..but their not gunna ****ing do that. They might try and find a workaround the Heavy Stance Jump Attack sooner or later, but i doubt they will care to find a fix for every other collision imbalance in the game and there are alot.


So keep dreaming, but right now and probably for a long while, it would take 2 seconds to code out saber throw.

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*gasps in horror*






It's there because it gives people an offensive move against heavy attacks. Otherwise you'd never be able to hit someone swinging at you with heavy. It's there for balance.


Again, stop inventing things to whine about.


BTW - you're not going to get near the "yes votes" to make this a legit. complaint. Trust me.

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I and many other players see no need for saber throw, but enjoy the ocaisonal duel and see no reason to spend it on saber throw(which is good for nothing other then duels in that it spends so much force power ANYWAY).


In duels you dont use your force power. Therefore the only thing your force gets used for is Regen after saber throw, which is utterly rediculous. The saber throw plays little part in the game itself as is, to be that important in a duel.


And its ridiculous to wast 18 force points for 1 ****ing skill to use in a NOFORCE ffa duel.

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I'm sorry, but that's one bad, bad comment. If you have any idea what you're doing or talking about, you'd know that throwing the saber is up there with "most useful tactics" in the game.


Stop. Inventing. Things. To. Whine. About.

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The didnt invent saber throw for heavy stance. Gezuz.


They didn't even properly beta test ****ing heavy stance, or they would known it was WAY unbalance to begin with. They must have used absolute newbies who didn't even know how to perform special moves to test multiplayer.


Find a real argument against it, not something as stupid as it was put in there to defend against heavy stance thats rediculous in itself.

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I disagree, I use it occasionally to spice up the duel, and I also use it against the Heavy Stance One Hit One Kill wh*ores, as it teaches them a lesson.


I hope that in the patch they give the server admins the option on which Force Powers they want to allow, and under what circumstances (normal gameplay and/or duels), and also to have these options listed under Server Info so people know the specifics about the server they join.


Edit: Aren't the lightsaber stances based on Force points, so if you weren't allowed to use the Force, does that mean you would only be able to use the Medium Style? (I always make sure my lightsaber offense and defense points are maxxed out, so I don't know if this is the case or not)

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The moment someone uses it in multiplayer full force its a BEACON SIGN for push, the only thing its good for is nailing somone running away, and there pull for that.


Dont even let me bring up dark side forces either, dark side can trash a saber throwing faster then anything. After he throws his saber it only takes half the amount of drain to drain him because saber throw uses up so much force. I chase saber throwers around because they are the easiest kills.


The only problem is in a duel where you have suddenly been stipped of ALL forces, and you dont use saber throw and your suddenly stuck in a duel against a mofo whose got a Huge advantage over you because YES its usefull in a duel because suddenly your opponent doesn't have a thing to go on but his skill, but you can't attack at all because hes just waiting to use saber throw.


My god.

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Once again another idiot whose run out of words resorts to name calling. Any you can consider yourself a stupid person for grouping me as a "TERRIBLE GAME" ranter.


Im not. You confronted me on a issue i hold near and dear to my heart and you got owned. So i would shut the **** up and sit the **** down.

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Thank you kindly, sir.


But being a hypocritical monkey isn't making me change my opinion about this "matter" you hold "dear and true" to your heart. Quite frankly, that's a bit too nerdy and geeky for me to handle at the moment, and it will take some time for me to overcome the laughter.

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Seriously, calm down before you have a friggin' aneurysm...


If you're pouting because you can't attack someone in a duel with your heavy stance to use your n00b one-hit-one-kill move, then friggin' learn a different style!


Seriously though, you sound like you can't take rejection or criticism at all...why did you even start this thread?

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Personally I love to use saber throwing all the time, it's a great way to use the light saber, I would hate it is taken out, you just need to know how to avoid it. It makes you more aware, and instead of just sitting there like statue, you can move, and counter attack while their defences are down. It's a great aspect of the game.

I whole heartly vote NO.

You know, it would be alot easier to tally the votes in this "petition" if you had a poll.

Personally I believe this entire post about taking it out is stupid, and it was a stupid suggestion to make. Why can't people just leave things alone? Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean others don't like it either. I hate the rocket launcher, but alot of people like it. So what? Deal with it.

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Saber throw should definitly be taken out in duels during FFA. If you could use other force powers during it then it would be perfectly fine but since you can't its a one sided deal. If one person has saber throw and the other doesn't he will most likely win. If you are a decent player you can EASILY run circles around people without getting hit and throw the saber in the meantime. Someone posted earlier that saber throw is the only counter to the heavy stance which is not true at all. If your fast enough with medium or fast you can get in hits and win. :lsduel:

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light only buddy, and i hope you people realise im talking about ffa DUELS not the whole game.


there are more then enough good people out there who use light, your just to busy complaining about the heavy stance all the time.

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And you're just too busy inventing stuff to whine about.


You don't want to accept the FACT that it's left in "no force duels" to counter heavy stance. I don't care if you don't like heavy stance, I don't care if you don't like throw. It's there to make heavy swingers think twice about lifting their arms up for all to slice. Without it, you'd have to get close to a heavy swinger to inflict any damage.. and you DON'T want to get close to heavy swingers.


Calm down and listen to my argument before you start calling me names again, please.. it's frustrating when you do that.


And there is already a way to take it out.. just set force recarge really, really high so that you don't get more than like 2 throws (or 2 jumps for that matter).


Keep it in duels I say.

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