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Petition: Remove Saber Throwing In FFA duels Next Patch


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I agree with Bacons last 10 replies-LOL!:p:rolleyes::eek::p

-Saber-Throw is a necessary skill just like any other move during duels. Hey, while your at it ya Freakin' Einstien....why dont you start a pole to remove the Strong-Stanced 1 hit kill moves too!?:rolleyes:

-I am sick and tired of you peeps whining about things inJK][ that YOU don't seem to like because you suck bad. Other than that, alot of members here have posted some pretty good valid arguments of aspects of MP that need Ravens attention bad!!;):D

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it should be completely taken out of FFA dueling.


even 2 hits is more then enough to offset the duel's balance more then enough.


Now if i played no force TEAM DM or no force DUELING where EVERYONE gets it...its not a problem.


But in FFA Duels not everyone has it, and its a major disadvantage. And all you want to do is get a nice duel in a couple times during your FFA game, and you don't EVEN get that.

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I think people REALLY, REALLY need to read a whole post before replying. He is ONLY talking about removing it from FFA DUELS. Dang people, he never once said he wanted it out of the whole game. As it stands, its just something that is really annoying in duels. I believe the only reason you are allowed to use it in duels as its grouped in the category with both lightsaber offense and defense, and therefore isn't counted as a real 'force power'.


I can live with it in duels, its just something thats really annoying, seeing as its the only force power that can be used. Obviously in duels people are going to have full force, and it just encourages them to backpedal and throw their lightsaber over, and over, and over again.


And Bacon00: I read your arguements, I'm calm, and I still think you're an idiot. I think that it was an oversight being left in, and something that was not properly tested. Again thats not FACT (you are far too quick to claim your opinions as such), but just my opinion. I think it'd be nice to be removed from duels; but it wont kill me if its not.

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Once again, agreed.


Please, don't take this personally. You posted this topic, and you should be able to accept the arguments. If you can't handle it, don't post.


True, my first post was kind of hostile, but I didn't intend it to be. I shouldn't have said "dumb" petition.. I ment to say "useless" or "not needed."


But I kinda doubt that's why you started a mini-flame war.

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Yes i suck bad because I enter a duel and suddenly get stuck with a constant saber thrower and have NO defense against it accept crouching or looking down. You are a moron as if that wasn't already painfully obvious by your use of general statements that are COMPLETELY wrong.

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Ok so what, everyone doesn't have that. Too bad, people choose what they want to use. I know you cannot use any other force powers in dueling, other then force jump and saber throw. Hey, you know what, sometimes a heavy stand saber hit knocks me down. I don't think that is fair since, I use medium and I can't do that. Should we take that out? I know I have the option to change to that stance, but I don't like to use it and I am not good with it. It's the same thing.


Oh and you have a defence against saber throwing... it's called moving, counter attacking, changing to a stance that can deflect the shot. Saber throw is so easy to counter, I am at risk each time I use it. It's balanced out. You can get some great hits in with it, but you can also take some serious hits. I have been in duels with examples of both scenarios.

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yo i didnt start a hostile petition. I get out of a game were as usually my dueling experience during a FFA gets COMPLETLY ruined, and post a rather valid argument. Although its miniscule its definately HAS way more subtsance then 99% of the posts on this board.


Your the one that got hostile, and personally i enjoy arguments, you just happened to start this one. You might want to think twice about your word choice. I know you don't go around all day calling other peoples ideas dumb if you did im sure you would learn pretty soon that **** dont fly.

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Originally posted by zufuss

Yes i suck bad because I enter a duel and suddenly get stuck with a constant saber thrower and have NO defense against it accept crouching or looking down. You are a moron as if that wasn't already painfully obvious by your use of general statements that are COMPLETELY wrong.


Sorry man, gonna have to go with Bacon00 on this one. Saber throwing is far from useless and needs to be in ffa duels. If you don't like it, you can always go find a nf duel server.


Here's a thought: if you don't have saber throw yourself, try not accepting the duel challenge. wow. that was hard.

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I vote a big NO!



You DO realize that without his saber, a saberist is 100% vulnerable to any and all incoming fire from guns and other sabers.


When a guy throws his saber at you, he has kindly DISARMED himself for you :)



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Yea if i get griped, sure i dont have that. But i have absorb. I have push. I have things to counter it. When i go into Duel mode in a FFA game i get jack ****. Its was a complete imbalance put into the game, and maybe its miniscule, but it be a fast fix and would go along way with other people who agree as i do.


Sure they know about the big stuff, but they still should listen to other problems.


As if they don't know they have a problem with heavy stance already. If it wasnt a issue in beta, they sure as hell know its a big problem now.

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Sorry for the multiple posts..


but plan, I believe that you are too ignorant to accept that people's arguments may be based in facts. And please wait before you hit that reply button to cuss me out. Read on.


If you didn't have saber throw in FFA duels (which I know he's been talking about the entire time. Perhaps you should read the entire posts?), the heavy stance people would be able to attack unmolested, without any concequences for their one-hit kills.


With throw on, you can counter this massive attack. It's only logical, and I bet you $100 if you asked Raven, they would say that FFA duel saber throw was left in for this balancing reason. It makes perfect sense, is logical, and balances the game very, very well.


People complain about no balance, but when they are presented with a prime example of it, they start spittin' piss about how their one-hit attacks don't work all the time. Granted, that's not the main argument here, but that's why throw is left it. And if you are a half decent duelist, you will discover that throw's are very easily blocked, and leave the enemy open to a counter attack. No Force duels also have force jumping - should we take that out too?


You people are too quick to judge this as being a mistake. Just because it defeats you on occasion doesn't mean it should be taken out. People believe that they should win ALL THE TIME, and that if they die, there's something wrong with the game. That seems to be the general vibe I get from this post, anyway.


And do you really think for one moment that they didn't know they were programming saber throw into FFA duels? They didn't just accidentally "leave it in." It has to be coded in.. stuff doesn't just magically appear in the games. Every little detail is coded, discussed, and talked about.


And please, let's grow up and discuss this with a bit of matureness.. calling me an idiot right off the bat doesn't make me want to calmly discuss the matter with you.

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It plays no part in Duels in FFA mode. It may play a part to you in other aspects but within Duel itself it has NO place. Like I said before there is no balancing out, if i dont have saber throw and hes a saber throw *****...im off in a bad way, with NOTHING to counter it.


At least in noforce mode everyone has saber throw.

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Dude, if someone throws a saber at you you either:


1. Move to the side

2. Stand and block it

3. JUMP (either straight up, back, to either side, or *shocking tactic* AT THEM!)


There are ways of avoiding a saber throw. Just because you can't get around them don't go crying about having it removed from duels. If you don't like the way someone fights in a duel DON'T ACCEPT THE DAMN CHALLENGE!


Are we even thinking when we post here, or is it a spur-of-the-moment-I'm-in-a-pissy-mood type thing?

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Im not talking about the "sit around and watch it fly at me" throw.


You get in close start attacking and since at close distance you cant really tell if hes saber throwing anyway he suddenly slices you 3x and you like wtf. Meanwhile you take a step back and all thsi time his force has been regenerating and hes got another 2 throws locked and stocked and ready to send hurling at you the moment you swing at him from 2 feet away.

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Once again, sorry for the multiple posts.


Zufuss.. are you telling me throws are unblockable?


What do you use your force points on?? Put some on defense... saber throws RARELY hit if you have any clue what you're doing.


Go back and read my big long post... especially the part about people thinking there's something wrong with the game whenever they die (aka screw up aka suck).

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Exactly, a number of people(including myself) have stated several times that there are numerous ways to counter the saber throw, that are so simple. And yet you continue to say there is no counter. Are you actually reading these replies, or do you just continue to make baseless assertions?

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Originally posted by zufuss

Im not talking about the "sit around and watch it fly at me" throw.


You get in close start attacking and since at close distance you cant really tell if hes saber throwing anyway he suddenly slices you 3x and you like wtf. Meanwhile you take a step back and all thsi time his force has been regenerating and hes got another 2 throws locked and stocked and ready to send hurling at you the moment you swing at him from 2 feet away.


Uh...how about throw yours back at him, since he's defenseless until he gets his saber back.


If you're that close, why don't you try to roll past your opponent in an attempt to get behind him and circle strafe/hack ths sh!t outta him?


It is becoming apparent that you don't know how to duel very well in the first place...

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*gasps once again in horror at someone using something other than the left mouse button*


Dude, don't accept duels then. Don't stand so close to them. Throw yours at them. Jump up, kick them down, run away, don't give them time to regenerate force, etc. etc. etc. This is what I like to call a "duel." This may be a new term to you.



**Please take a moment to contemplate it's 4 letters and complex meaning.*


There are so many ways to counter this move it's not even funny. You're just too intent on having the game changed and fitted to your exact liking, since you can't seem to figure it out the way it is.


Seriously, how long have you played? 1, 2 duels? I can't imagine anyone who's done 15+ would be whining about this.

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heh more then you can imagine. And the only problem ive ever had is with saber throw. Sure your gunna block it when you aren't attacking but he aint gunna throw untill you attack. Your only problem is you dont play enough to understand how duels are with this occurance.

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Originally posted by zufuss

heh more then you can imagine.


Somehow I doubt that...


And the only problem ive ever had is with saber throw. Sure your gunna block it when you aren't attacking but he aint gunna throw untill you attack.


Here's a hint genius, DON'T ATTACK UNTIL YOU ARE RIGHT UP ON YOUR OPPONENT. Do you start your attack from ten feet away?

Then you deserved to get ripped a new one. I have played many, many duels, and I know how to deal with consistent saber throwers, heavy one-hit-one-kill users, etc. so I suggest you spend a little bit more time dueling and a lot less time b!tching.

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