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Can't see servers or be seen on Internet


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I hosted and even played on a few servers yesterday. The only changes I have made is downloaded a few skins from http://www.jediknightii.net. Now I can't see any servers or no one (2 friends) can see me.


Yes, I am on INTERNET, I use DSL, and can play RTCW or MOHAA and see servers, but now for some reason I can't see anything online in JK2JO.


I know this sounds ridiculous and there must be something obvious, but I can't figure it out. I click on get new list, nothing, refresh list, nothing.....I have checked time and time again and YES, I am on INTERNET, not Local, or Favorites. I have tried 56k speed settings, ISDN, LAN/CABLE......NOTHING!!!!


I don't expect any replies, other than people saying I must be an idiot or don't have a valid connection, or brains, or anything......but if anyone else has had a similar problem, please help. I am about to reinstall, I guess, I don't want to lose my SP progress, but this **** sux.



Also, if I host a game, under "about" it says LOCALHOST. I set up a game with no bots, all humans, hoping someone will join, just to see if they can, but when I go to about, it tells me LOCALHOST for address, not my IP address...I don't get it.



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I have just recently have had the same problem...... cant figure it out. Just yesterday everything was fine. Running servers, jumping into games. Cant bring up any servers now!



(Update.... Went online today, worked. When I had a problem I came here and found someone else did. I didnt do anything to remedy it, havent got a clue why it did it. Enjoy the gamin!)


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Originally posted by Indian Chief

I'd have to bet that Lucasarts List Sever is down. I was also playing this morning even, but I have not been able to pull a sever list all night. It'll probably come back up sometime....



They released a new server update last knight, was probably it.

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I think I have it:


1. Look harder the servers are still there but harder to see?

2. Maybe turn your date in bottom right corner back to the day that game was working?

3. Maybe your Outcast disk just wore out, maybe?

4. Maybe you've played the game up to the max, which is 10,000 hours and need to do a expensive reset or just buy another JK2 disk?

5. But lastly, I'm not sure guys, but thought I'd try and cheer you up!

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