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Cannot Minimize

Armchair Athlet

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I bought a GeForce 4 and I can no longer minimize the game at all. I used to be able to ALT + TAB to an AOL Instant Messenger window while in the game, even though my monitor retained the different resolution and brightness from my desktop.


Now I cannot use CTRL + ESC or ALT + TAB at all apparantly. Is this just not really possible or is there something I can do?

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I have a solution but beware it can sometimes not always work with some systems too well, but I use it and its better than nothing I think.




Click the only link top left.



It’s a hack tool, that’s why the nice people at Id made the engine with that feature disabled. But for people who want to quickly drop out of the game to talk to someone on msn that feature is sourly missed.


Its fairly simple to use, go to pull down menu select the key you want to use to bring you out of the game then press the enable button, launch the game then at anytime you want to minimize press the assigned key. (Just make sure its not assigned to a key in the game)


It may bring you back to the desktop very bright that’s normal as to see the game the brightness has to be put up quite a lot and this program cant reset brightness, its not that good :)


What I did find interesting was that not all computers disable the alt and tab feature my brothers don’t, lucky git :)

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