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Crash trying to use galak_mech in MP


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I know we are not supposed to do it :o, but it should say you can't instead of crashing.


It crashes when I type /model galak_mech, and when I come back I must change the model before loading a level, or it will crash again.


It may happen with more models, I'v not tried with many.

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Yeah, my game screwed up when I tried using galak_mech as well. It was fine for a bit, a could even move around -- the body wasn't animated, just akimbo floating, but it moved. Then I pressed the fire button, and it crashed.


Then, restarting the game, it would crash right up front.


I couldn't get the game to work again until I deleted the log file. No problems after that.


Oh, and most of the other models just won't happen, like the droids and the at-st and such. No crashes, it just won't load the model. Too bad; I'd love to play the Imperial protocol droid.



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alt+enter works for me also, alt+tab doesn't

but I'm not talking about that now, I was refering only to the model change problem


Mouse that was the same that happened to me, except that I was never even able to see the model.To fix it I typed /model anything before loading a map.

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