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This is interesting... (RTFM)


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How many times have we bought games or saw movies that were just awful and a waste of money.
Not that often actually, and only when I hadn't done a shred of research beforehand. I got Riven on the grounds that the graphics looked lush, but when I got it home it was the most boring game I'd ever played (although I really was too young for it). Basically what I'm getting at is that you can avoid turkeys like this by just doing a little background work first. :)


Would you keep a candy bar wrapper around in your pocket after you've eaten the candy bar?
Yes, my school blazer is more like a dumpster than an item of clothing. :p
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I think your are right... sort of... I read the manuals all the time, but I have friends who have burnt copies of this game, but they never ask any stupid questions. They figure it out, or they ask a close friend if it is a difficult thing to do. They only ask after trying to figure it out themselves. People like that with warez I can deal with. It's the morons who ask "how do you use the force" really piss me off.

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Originally posted by Schizophrenic



You know, there are some people that are so moronic that they think all the legit game comes with is a cd and a few registration cards. Actual manuals are becoming rare these days (damn Adobe for inventing PDF's), and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people just opened the box, stuck their hand inside and fished out the cd without even looking at anything else, then tossed the box (with manual inside) in the trash. Finding people that actually read an entire manual front to back is even rarer. A large percentage of the people that do read manuals probably read the story and a bit about the basic controls.



Saying that everybody that doesn't know the special moves didn't buy the game and got a warezed copy is a gross generalization that points out your ignorance. You should think out your arguments before posting them.






yeah well u can hardly miss the manual in jk2 it comes in a dvd case and the manual is right there

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That depends on the version you bought. For the regular boxed set it is in the box and the game is in a regular jewel case.


I personally bought the game but I'll tell ya I can almost sympathize with the warez dudes. I live in Hawaii and the game cost me 67 dollars. That is alot of money on a engine that has already been built. And this is not the collector's edition. Now I know the response to this is going to be "well they charge so much money due to the fact that so many people pirate" True, and it is a sick spiral.


But some people are poor and want to play a game this year so they have to get a warez version.It is hard to wait because when you wait people get such an advantage that the game is unplayable. (Case and point...go get Quake 3 right now and try to play on the internet..you will get so owned...Another case..I bought Battle Realms a couple of weeks ago because it went on sale and I always wanted to play...STEEP learning curve there)


I don't support warez. I buy everything I have on this computer but like I said before I can sympathize with some people

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Originally posted by hahadude

We are talking about computer games...not food stamps. If you are too "poor" to buy a game thats too damn bad. I'm too poor to afford a Jaguar but I'm not going to go out and steal one. Thats a terrible excuse.


heh that's coz you'l get caught. If owning a Jaguar meant I had to just go find one, then it was mine, no questions asked, and no trouble would come of it, I'd be owning a Jaguar :D


But a Jaguar I can't afford. A game I can.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Besides, the manual clearly states that the 1hit-kill move is attack+forward+jump in heavy stance, when in fact it's attack THEN forward and jump. I'll bet many people found that confusing and couldnt get it to work, because they kept doing all 3 things at once.


Actually - the manual says both. In the heading of this section, it says attack+forward+jump, but the last sentence of the description says to press attack, then press forward and jump.

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