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What is the bonus level?


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can someone help me defeat tavion?

She is soo good in this level.



I hit her a million times and she is still there while I heal all the time.


And it takes like one hit from her to die.


Also, my hp is 50, is that normal?

I beat the game, but she is by far the hardest to dual (harder than net).


Man, she got all these fancy stuff going on.


Also, once I am pushed, it takes me forever to get up. (even press jump millions of times.)

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Definitely not MP.

The bot is much better than MP.


She has all these fancy stuff.

Also, she says stuff after you die.

Like, "Master Desann will be pleased"

or, "What a waste"


Those are not taunts...


Very cool.

Also, the map is not in MP.

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She also says those things when you lose to her in the normal game.


I'm not sure that you can beat her, but it's fun to try. I tried it on Jedi difficulty and I started out with 100 life, no shields, no Bacta, nothing. Also, my Force powers were pretty crappy. After dying to her 100 times, I turned on God mode to see how long it would take to kill her. I swear I had to hit her 20 times to kill her. She, on the other hand can kill you in one hit. Thus, I don't think you can beat her, but it is good dueling practice.

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I'm going out on a limb here but I'm guessing you guys are talking about the battle with her in SP ...


Tavion is surprisingly easy on this level. I haven't seen anyone post this tactic anywhere on the web yet, so I'll share what I found out:


First off, use a Floating Sphere (you can get 2 of them in Reelo's garbage area, just hang on to the last one.) The Sphere keeps her major distracted and she can't Choke or Lightning you at all or she'll get hit. Combine that with Push and you'll keep her off balance. Swipe at her if you like, but...


There is a big crate next to a smaller crate right next to the ship on the landing platform. When your Sphere starts to wind down, jump onto the bigger crate and just stand there. Tavion will attack you by Force Jumping directly at your position and she'll run into your saber repeatedly (and you'll parry and stuff automatically). Also, she will fall down to the lower balcony over and over again because there isn't any room for her on the container that you are standing on. She doesn't like landing on the ship right next to you either. Just keep using Push while she is in mid-jump and you'll hardly break a sweat. Eventually she'll crash on the deck and it's all over but the cryin'.


She was VERY easy once I figured that out. But it took me 2 full hours of getting squashed by her to get there! :)

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Read the topic!


This is the bonus level.


Type "map pit" into the console.


Your ass will be kicked...

I mean it too (and I kick peoples ass in duels)


This tavion has like 2000000 health.

And she can kill you in one hit.


Of course the original Tavion is easy... you can beat her in few easy saber hits.


It took like 50 normal stance hits to kill her in the pit.

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Hehe, now it's the place of choice for me to spawn lots of stuff and kill them (in GOD mode of course).


It seems not just tavion, but other people on this "level" also has higher hp.




Maybe? or I just pinch them too much.

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after many tries I did it suprisingly quickly. I stood facing her until she charged at me (One cool thing about SP AI is their anger level) I flipped over head (Medium stance special) backward stabbed (light stance) turned to face another charge used force push to stop her (she had to stop and block it) 2 heavy hits, roll around her, light stance upper cut. Medium stance combo with horizontal swing diagonal left slash and right uppercut (All in a spin) then I just hit her with a heavy stance and she died. This all happened rather quickly and suprised me.

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Originally posted by lonepadawan

after many tries I did it suprisingly quickly. I stood facing her until she charged at me (One cool thing about SP AI is their anger level) I flipped over head (Medium stance special) backward stabbed (light stance) turned to face another charge used force push to stop her (she had to stop and block it) 2 heavy hits, roll around her, light stance upper cut. Medium stance combo with horizontal swing diagonal left slash and right uppercut (All in a spin) then I just hit her with a heavy stance and she died. This all happened rather quickly and suprised me.


My god, that is the most complicated combo ever!

Wow, you should have a match with Artifex... maybe you can beat him if you do that combo.


You actually change stance in between moves? That's cool.

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