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Can't Unlock Door In Jedi Training-URGENT!!


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Right after I pick up the force push in the training, I go into a room with these stones that you flip over. Then you have to slide these other stones on the floor into the correct position to unlock the door. I have no Idea how to do this. Can someone please help me before I destroy something. WHAT IS THE CORRECT POSITION I"VE TRIED EVERYTHING!!:mad::fett:

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If the correct symbol is on the left, slide it. its now in the centre. If the correct symbol is on the right, slide it. It's now in the centre. If the correct symbol is already in the centre, leave it. I think there were 8 symbols to match which should then open the door at the other end when you approach it. Other than that I'm not sure what else to do. Maybe someone else has some suggestions? Sorry I wasn't much help:(

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I keep runing after it but can't quite makeit in time. Do you know how to do it? Thanks for your help on the symbols. I don't know why i couldn't get that. after I did it I was like.... "DUH!!!" I wasted 30 minutes on that simple part. Now all I need is the saber

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I'm glad you're progressing. Getting the saber requires using all of your powers (of course). Now, this is a SPOILER.


Force Push the pegs on the pillar.


Get on that thing the drops down when you stand on it. Hit Force Speed. Now, when the block goes down, run like heck towards the pillar (standing on the block raises the cage). As you're running, aim at the saber and Pull it towards you. Then, you can run around and chop up blocks, the cage, etc, until you tire of your fun. Then ya gotta figure out how to get out :)

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