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My take on an evil kyle...


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If you are the same Vandori, whom is credited some of DoD's finest player skins... Then I'm a very happy person to have you skinning for JK2.


As for your skin.. Very very cool.... And the coolest part.. its not -just- a dark Kyle.. It would work as a light-side Kyle too.


Props to you Van.



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The skin is coming along nicely. I've so far adjusted the belt, played with the boots some and am in the middle of playing with his bracers.


I should be finished with it pretty soon. Maybe another day?

Not sure, we'll see how it goes.


Anywho, Fyre, I am indeed the same Vandori from the DoD skinning scene. Cool to see my name gets around. You're right, too about this skin working for dark and light jedi. That's kind of what I tried to do. (Not to say that I won't make a white clade version too)


I probably will just put it up on JK2.net... I don't really have another host to use. But they seem pretty prompt about putting the files up.


Thanks for the comments everyone!


On a side note, this skin looks really, really good with the orange saber color in use. I'll try to get some screenshots later to show you. :D

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Man, hurry.... If anything, I'll host the darn thing!! Nice and prompt!


This...This skin is amazing!! We must have it!! No more screens... Just...Release!


Heheh. Pardon me for sounding like an ass. But it's really good. I hope you can have it up by tomorrow. And if you really do need a host, I'm right here. Anything to get this skin sooner! '-)

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Actually, when it comes to the dark side of the force altering appearances, it may be possible. While it has yet to be seen what caused Emperor Palpatine to be the way he was in ROTJ, He was very bumpy, and his eyes glowed orange.


My first guess would be the dark side has twisted his form. It's not proven what caused it as of now, but many assume the same.


And as far as the skin is concerned, I concur it looks nice. However, the color of eyes and look of the face don't really convey evil/dark to me, and seems more like just a good guy in black. I also find some of the gold a little much and I myself would prefer it without the shoulderpad, but that's just my opinion.


And while this is a good skin, it doesn't really suit my style.


Keep up the good work.

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Well it sure as hell suits mine, and everyoen else on this board.




But on a serious note, he shouldn't change a thing. It can work both ways. It's not canon that says the Dark Side always changes your appearance. Just look at Saris from JK. She's a Dark Sider, and she's not ugly. She's not a hottie-hot-hot-hot, but she's not bad on the eyes, either.


And looks can be decieving. Looking innocent on the outside, but lose your guard and you're toast.


And Palpatine/Sidious from EP1 didn't look deformed. Remember that in EP1, Palpie was already an old fart. 30 years later in RotJ, he's anchient. The Dark Side keeps him alive. By all rights, he should be dead - maybe that's why he looks like a corpse.


Vandori, my man. Don't change a thing. Don't take out any of the gold, don't change the eyes, don't change the face. If you do so, I'll refuse to download it. I think I speak for the majority when I say the skin is perfect. The gold highlights are fantastic. Different. That makes it cool.

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As always, everyone's taste will differ. I like the gold, it's not something you see every day. As for the eyes, same deal. Plus it makes for a nice contrast.


I agree with you on the way of dark side warping, if you consider the Emperor and his appearance. It could very well have been because of heavy influence from the dark side. I dunno though.


To quote Fyrestorm though, "It's not -just- a dark Kyle.. It would work as a light-side Kyle too." This was intentional, he could go either way. I didn't want him entirely evil or full on good-guy.


Anyway, keep up your work too. You're doing well too. Your version isn't my style, but it's good none the less. :)

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yes yes wes is right..... i would call this skin near perfect in everyway... but its your creation and you should do what u feel makes it better..... this skin is by far my fav and the best i have seen so far... IMHO its almost to godlike =P




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I never said the dark side ALWAYS alters your appearance, just that it can, but that's really beside the point. I never said he should change it, and it's a good skin. I just like my evil to be prominent, and that's just my preference. If you're gonna go dark, go all the way I say. But I do like the way it could go either way here.


I like the creative texture reuse and the way he altered them. If I have to say there's any problem that I truly find with it, is that the shoulder texture is not aligned from front to back. A minor detail to be sure, but I myself find it slightly distracting.


I know it's probably one of the least things you wanna do, (I know, had to align the shadow front with my altered backpiece), but I personally think it would add a tad more polish on an already great skin.

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