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Additional Dual Levels?

Force Fed

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When I set up a server with Dual mode, it gives me a choice of 5 maps. However, in the instruction booklet (page 38) it has an image of the same screen with 9 maps available. Being Australian, I have the Asia-Pacific version of JK2.

I'm wondering whether the cause of these missing levels is:

i) Hidden Levels - available through finishing game on Jedi Master or cheating

ii) Left out of internatinal versions for no real reason.

iii) Left out of all versions for no real reason (i.e. screenshot taken before game was completely finshed)


Anyone know the answer to this query?

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Well without having looked into the thing myself I think that it's your third reason, the manual is from an earlier version.


The thougt that you would have to play the game through to get the levels or that they were only let out of the interational versions are not very plaussable IMO.

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Last night I played on a duel server that ran the usual duel maps, plus we dueled on one of the FFA maps. Don't know the name of the map, but it is the one that is 2-floors of open walkways/corridors/stairs with a huge, long rectangular area in the middle of the map. Most of the dueling took place in the middle area, with the fight occasionally moving into the corridors/walkways. This sort of map works only if the participants don't spend the entire time hiding in the corridors (if that happened I'm sure it would become quite annoying). This map worked on this particular server, because everyone was up for a good time and a good straight up fight.


Anyway, not sure how the map was enabled in duel mode. Must be a way to do it from the console, I would think.

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