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Multiplayer dismemberment patch?


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Any way to get the dismemberment to work in multiplayer without getting the error to pop up? Is there a mod or patch to fix this. I am talking about the maddes files I downloaded. This allows dismemberment put at some point, sometimes very soon somtimes later you get the code error. Please Help. Thank You


Do the new essential files on jediknight II.net fix this problem as it mentions the same error but nothing about dismemberment?

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Good question.

I'll have to experament when I get home.

I would like to see dismemberment upon kills But don't really want realistic combat on my server.

I would prefer there to be some damage-soak first and at ONLY 0 helth be when the limbs/Torsos/heads go flying


edit: Of course this assumes I will ever get my server reported to the master list from behind my Lynksys router

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my server shows up from behind my linksys router, but only if I start it from the multiplayer menu in game.


if I use a dedicated.bat with a server.cfg it only shows up in gamespy or the in game search menu, 1 out of 100 attempts.


I haven't figured out why this is yet, but I've asked Raven for some help and they are looking into finding out why it does that and fixing it.


just in case anyone has missed the million posts on the subject, this is what I did to get it showing up thru the in-game menu:


I did create a dedicated.bat file and a server.cfg and manually set my game port to 28060 in the config, I ran the dedicated. bat and let the settings take effect, even though the server wasn't visible.


I opened up ports 28060 ~ 28062 in my router forwarding, and then started up the server in multiplayer and made it a dedicated, that way it used the last settings from the server.cfg file that aren't settable in the in-game server options.


it all worked perfectly after that, the server shows up in gamespy and in the game server list for public use, and all my settings are set from the server.cfg file automatically.


the purple one

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