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hints for desann


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The only way I've been able to beat him is by:


















luring him close to one of the 3 pillars, then destroying it, causing rubble to crush him. One way was to let him try to lightning me through the pillar (his lightning destroyed the pillar). Also, saber throw works well against the pillar.


Once, he threw his saber just as the rubble was falling, and he never could recover it. I was able to chop him up before he could grip me.


At Jedi Master level I haven't been able to beat him in a straight saber fight.

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I guess it depends on what your difficulty setting is. I just finished the game last night on Jedi mode. I actually defeated him rather easily (okay, after several failed attempts) like this (SPOILER)




















Wait until Desann gets close enough to throw his saber at you. The moment he throws it, hit Force Speed. Dodge the saber, run straight at him and hit attack for a nice downward slash, then run away again. Let your force energy recharge and repeat. I only had to do this two or three times to defeat him. The thing is, he just stands there when he's doing a saber throw, so it's almost too easy.

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If you havn't tried it already, you can use that beam you see him in at the beginning of the level. There are tou switches on the upper level that you can force pull. Once you pull them the beam will return. Jump into the beam and you will have little dots of light around you for a hort time. I'm not exactly sure what the beam does for you but once trhoughit, go after Desann with everything you've got. He's still tough but a bit easier to handle while you have those lights around you. Once they run out, go back to the top and hit the switches again (they wont move but the beam will come out shortly after you hit them again). keep doing this and you should be able to get him. It took me forever to beat him the first time but after playing the game in SP again and a lot of MP practice, he became fairly easy to beat even on JEdi Knight difficulty.

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