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Wall Run

Obi Wan Kanoli

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But one thing that some might not have picked up on, is that you need to have the saber out (not necessarily ignited) and at least level 2 force jump. It uses mana, but you can also do it when you are out of mana.


This applies to MP. In SP, the "rules" are totally different.

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Originally posted by Lord Nodata

it should be noted that I've encountered more than 1 keyboard that would NOT allow you to hit 3 keys at the same time if you are using the arrow keys to walk.:confused:



My keyboard does somewhat the same thing. I never could wallwalk until I realized that my keyboard doesn't allow more than one other key to be pressed while the spacebar is down. If press space and forward, it works like it's supposed to, but space+forward+strafe just makes the computer beep.


To correct it, I just switched my jump and crouch keys (normally space for jump, alt for crouch). That took a bit to adjust to, but I can wallwalk now and crouching/rolling/whatever rarely requires more than one other key for me.

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