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BAH!!!! Please help me out!


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Hey, peeps.


Having a hell of a time here with JK2 multiplayer via internet.


Here's my setup if it helps:


P4 1.8

56k modem

Win XP Pro

256 MB RAM

GeForce 2


The game plays fine and I can view and jump into server games fine (though with high ping:( ). The problem is, a friend and I would really like to play private games together. Which ever one hosts, the other can never find on the list of servers. We tried to look each other up via IP. I can never find his..... he finds mine, but not only does it say zero people are in (even if I'm playing), it just gets stuck when he tries to join (doesn't freeze, but waits for connection and the time counts up and up...). What are we doing wrong? Other people seem to be doing this just fine, but I have heard of numerous others having the same prob (though they can get the IP technique to work). There doesn't seem to be a patch yet or anything. Somebody please help me out!!!!!


Thanks :ewok: (sad Ewok)

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Oh lordy, you both use a 56k connection and you're trying to host an internet server? Or are you guys just playing via lan. (If you aren't I would strongly reccomend plunking down some cash for a hub and 2 networking cables and just get together that way. I can't even concieve of what gameplay would be like on a game hosted by a 56k modem.) I know for a fact that neither of you have a router, but a firewall is a personal thing that one of you would have had to install. (I imagine you'd remember it) Soo, I'm left with one thought.. the game doesn't want to run an internet server on a 56k connection. Which, isn't really what I think because there would probably be some sort of message asking whether or not you really wanted to host the game on that sort of connection speed, but it's the only other thing I can think of. If you ARE on a LAN, make sure that your IP addresses match for the first 3 octets and that you both have the same subnet mask. (Eg: and with a subnet of Also make sure that you're both in the same workgroup or domain. If your friend is hosting an internet game, and you're connecting to his 56k modem via your 56k modem these settings won't matter. I'd really really suggest just having him over or you go over there and the two of you hook up via a hub and some cables.

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Yeah, yeah... I know that 56k is a slug :( .... I'm pretty sure that neither of us are running behind a firewall either. We do play Quake 3 and Mechwarrior 4 a lot, and while there is more lag for the client, it's never been too bad really. Not as bad as most of the other server games we have tried to join anyways. We just basically want to practice or saber skills. Unfortunately, hooking up a LAN isn't an option. There should be a way to do this..... I'd really like to figure it out before we get tired of trying.

:ewok: (very sad Ewok)

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Try pulling down the console and connecting to his server via the connect command. Eg: "Connect" That will tell the game to join a server at that ip address if one exists. (Maybe it's a problem with the menu or something that using a command will get around.)

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