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Why no objective mode?

Chewey Tobacca

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I really do like JKII:JO MP, but I really can't understand why Raven didn't include an objective mode. As it is it's just a standard deathmatch game with a capture the flag mode that requires little or no teamwork, with one unique mode (duel) and variations of the ctf (capture the ysalimari) and deathmatch (jedi master, holocron). The game even utilizes the typical red vs. blue. Just think for a moment the wonderful potential the game could have if it had objective mode. It could be Rebels vs. Imperial Remnants, and in one scenario you could have the Rebels attacking a death star. The Rebels would have to destroy a hangar full of tie fighters and interceptors, and then to destroy several strategically placed surface cannons, enabling Rebel X Wings to destroy the death star much in the same way it was destroyed by Skywalker in Episode IV. Of course, it would be the Imperial Remnant's task to hold off the Rebel attack until time runs out. Along the way would be several blast doors which could be destroyed/unlocked to open up different routes to the objective.




There could be classes, too. Imperial Officers and Rebel Captains, Light Jedi (Rebel) and Dark Jedi (Imperial), Rebel (Basically the soldier class, would look like the same rebels that were fighting the stormtroopers at the beginning of Episode IV) Imperials (Basically soldier class, skin would be stormtroopers) and droids (They would have the ability to unlock the blast doors or blow up the objectives, much like R2D2 did to several doors during the Star Wars trilogy, although he didn't blow any doors up, I'm sure it could've been implemented in some way. They could also repair things or defuse enemy droid explosives.Skin would look like R2D2 for the Rebels, and perhaps some other droid for the Imperial Remnant). Each class would have different abilities and restrictions. For example, there would only be a certain number of Jedi allowable per team depending on how many players are on each team. Also some classes would have different sub classes, such as medic droids. Medic droids would be able to dispense bacta canisters to players, and the officers/captains could possibly have different abilities as well.



Do you now see what a horrible mistake it was to not include an objective mode? JKII:JO's MP is fun, but without an objective mode, RTCW is still my favorite. Some have said that someone will probably make a modification of JKII:JO which will allow for objective mode, but it just isn't the same. Besides I doubt I would be able to download it, I'm on a 28.8k.:r2d22::c3po:

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honestly i think a objectiv (or coop) mode wud b classy

i used to play alot of MMPORPG's aswell as a few FPS's with my m8s

i found the best bit was not goin round killin anything in site but actually going round hunting ina group, haveing guild wars, teaming up against AI bots etc


so yeh any coop mode wud be class in my opinion:)

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A truly well done mod will likely end up on one of the gaming mags CDs. So for those who are modem users you wouldn'y have to download it. Sure you'd be out the 6-7 dollars American to purchase the mag but if it's a GOOD mod it would be worth it wouldn't it?


The SDK hasn't been released yet. Once it has give the community some time. Besides, who knows what Raven or LucasArts have up their sleeves? They may have such a gametype in preparation right now. After all folks have found some things in the .pak files that dont mesh with anything in the single or multi player aspects of the game right now. Stuff that relates to Hoth and other interesting items. Who knows?

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But what the original post is trying to say is why do we have to wait for modders to do this. A perfect example of a game that came out with some real good MP is UT...it had assualt and domination and alot of mutators. Game companies need to put out a little more effort when it comes to the out of box stuff.

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And then you have the example of Quake 3 Arena.

Pure Vanilla Deathmatch.


Sure, I would have preferred that it come with objective based gameplay as well but RTCW was designed by 2 seperate companies:Nerve and Grey Matter. 1 for single player and 1 for multiplayer. JK2 was designed by 1 company who also happens to be working on 2 other games at the same time, (Quake 4 and SOF2).


Sure it would have been great, but if we had waited another 6 months to a year for JK2, people would have complained and screamed about it being late and then would have whined about it having dated graphics and "old" netcode and using a dated engine.


Raven did what they could within the timeframe they were given.

Did anyone frag id for releasing Quake3 as it was? No. They waited for the mods, because that's the way it works.

It's the same with Unreal Tournament as well. Even the UT guys released the add-ons like the runes and maps and additional mutators after the fact.


Me? I'm happy and will wait and see.

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