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quake 3


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whats wrong with you people. Just because some people dont use a lightsaber all the time doesnt mean that they would be better off buying quake 3...quake 3 was a completely different game, and the starwars effect to the weapons in the game is much better than generic deathmatch weapons (quake 3, unreal tournament, etc.). I understand if your angry at a gunner who constantly shoots rockets and alt repeater fire into lightsaber fights, but when someone doesnt use a lightsaber constantly dont ruin the game. Without guns in multiplayer, the game would turn into another crappy saber only game. (Obi-Wan, Jedi Power battles). Guns add spice, and a goal to kill a jackass mole gunner while he tries running up his score at the expense of fun...people who constantly call jedi knight 2 jedi knight are sadly mistaken

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I absolutely love the guns: I have no problem firing into a crowd of people in FFA, if it's a large battle with people just randomly trying to hit with sabers and Forces, ESPECIALLY if people are using Drain....


I will say that I love QIII and UT, and feel that because I'm not a Star Wars fan, many of the weapons ARE generic; there's the Missle Launcher with Homing; there's the Flak Cannon (aka Flechette, just with two bouncy balls instead of one with a smiley face ;); the blasters are essentially standard; the Repeater is a combonation of some (there's a gun that's similar in Elite Force, that fires a large volley of bullets, and there's the Pulse Rifle from UT), but it's quite a cool combo as the blue balls of hate arc; etc. etc. It's just with Star Wars effects. Granted they look cool, but most aren't new at all.


The saber, on the other hand, is the "newest" to people bred on other games of the QIII engine, and according, imo, it gets attention for it. And of course there's that "Waaaaaaah! Jedi!" feeling.... ;)


- Twitch

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I like weapons as well as sabres, and Im tired of the whining from sabering players that is getting shot at.

I come from the community of another Raven game, Hereticii.

And Ive seen this all before. In Hereticii there also was a really cool close combat weapon called the dunwood staff, and the presence of that weapon draw alot of players to the game that didnt want to use ANY other weapon than the staff. if they got shot at with the Phoenix Bow (see Rocketlauncher) you were a "PBow-weenie" if you used the Sphere you were a sphere-faggot.


It all ended with the game divided up in two parts with servers only playing maps with blade only or playing maps with all weapons only. And seldom did players from the two separate worlds meet. that is probably what will happen here as well given some time. Until then Im gonna ignore everyone whining about the use of Forcepowers or weapons.



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Originally posted by [del] Twitch

I will say that I love QIII and UT, and feel that because I'm not a Star Wars fan, many of the weapons ARE generic; there's the Missle Launcher with Homing; there's the Flak Cannon (aka Flechette, just with two bouncy balls instead of one with a smiley face ;); the blasters are essentially standard; the Repeater is a combonation of some (there's a gun that's similar in Elite Force, that fires a large volley of bullets, and there's the Pulse Rifle from UT), but it's quite a cool combo as the blue balls of hate arc; etc. etc. It's just with Star Wars effects. Granted they look cool, but most aren't new at all.

- Twitch


ok, wait, your not a starwars fan, the only weapon you like is the lightsaber, and you think jk2 is a copy of quake 3...why even bother with starwars and just play with the most boring weapons in a deathmatch game, i'm sure that would work for you...

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No need to be harsh. He's just stating the fact that most FPS have similar weapons. It happens to be true. You could go as far as saying that all weapons in FPS are derivative of other weapons in some format. All miniguns are related to one another, the concept of alternative fire could be traced to Rise of the Triad, etc.

It allows for a quick learning curve to the game so that people can immediately start killing folks in multiplayer and gives more options for effects in single player.


Sure, it is a StarWars themed game, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have some valid points.

I take the weapons as a necessary part of the game. If all we had to use was Kyle's blaster, the E-11, Han's Blaster, The Bowcaster and Thermal Dets it would get boring for the folks who don't use a saber primarily. Additionally it would not allow for a balance between guns and sabers. Hence you bring in other weapons. Jedi Knight did it with the concussion rifle and the Rail Gun as did Dark forces.

In the end having the "quake/UT" weapons opens up the game to a wider audience, which is what we all really want. We want a game we can always find people to play against that will last for a while, not fade to the back of gamer's shelves collecting dust.

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i aggree with you though...i wanted the weapons in the game, i wanted the starwars feel to them. I really had the same thoughts as you, my problem is people who feel that just because theres weapons other than the lightsaber in the game they should bash it by calling it quake 3 and making fun of people who use guns in the first place...it was a misunderstanding apparantly

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Edit: This post was for the first response by SpaceMonkey1315, and not after his last post.


Originally posted by SpaceMonkey1315

ok, wait, your not a starwars fan, the only weapon you like is the lightsaber, and you think jk2 is a copy of quake 3...why even bother with starwars and just play with the most boring weapons in a deathmatch game, i'm sure that would work for you...


One: I didn't say what weapons I liked/disliked. There's a reason why I LOVE first person shooters in the first place.


Second: If I wanted to say JKII was a copy of QIII, then I'd say so. However, since Quake III doesn't include the lightsaber, nor the force powers, and since you'd have to be a first grader to not understand that JKII has both of those, I guess it would be a rather incorrect statement.


Thirdly: If you hadn't noticed, or haven't read One, then let me restate it: I love FPSes. Would I love to limit myself to one weapon? Sure, if I dug the lightsaber that much. Too bad I don't: others do, that's great.


Lastly: The reason I bother is because I love the game. The only reason I care that it's Star Wars is because the license allowed for creative uses of the Forces to be implemented within the construct of the game, which is a nice little bonus for those of us bred on many, many other FPSes.


Edit: I do, however, agree that people shouldn't call it a clone of QIII: doing that does both games a grave injustice.




- Twitch

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look, i agree with you, ive been saying that the whole time...you cant call jediknight 2 quake 3...they are different games, what was the problem with that...i get annoyed when at least 2 out of 5 fourms i read have to do with "if you people like guns so much, then just buy quake 3 and leave lightsabers alone forever", but i think jedi knight 2 is a better game, i dislike people who think that guns in jk2 are no second option...thats what i meant

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