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Im confused help a lil man out?


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I still havnt bought the game. Im gettin it tonight or tommrow. Dependin on the answer of this. I want this game 2 play wit my friend online. But he doesnt want to buy games, so i figure ill just burn it 4 him(i no this aint alrite but ? i wanna have fun) anywayz i was wonderin do u need a cd key 2 play. And if yes can 2 people wit the same cdkey play online at the same time and in the same game. I dont care bout lan. just online. Thx and thx for readin this post. plz answer:ewok:

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no, you dont need cdkey, just burn it and it will work. There safedisk is so stupid.


this is what I did.


I got the iso, opened it with win iso and play it through deamon tools. So I feel sorry for all of you who bought. the game.


My soveriegn rights give me the right to do this. Contact a lawyer.

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Astounding how a person will come on a board that the Devlopers frequent and will openly admit in not just one post but multiple posts that they downloaded and stole, yes stole: as in, you did not pay for, the game.


So, Saintx, do you go onto a grocery store and take food without paying because it's "your right" to eat?


Theft is theft. No matter what sort of twisted logic you use to justify it. You didn't buy it, you stole it.

End of discussion.

Go away loser, we do not want nor do we need your kind around here.


Let me put it another way. I seriously hope that the admins and mods have pulled your IP and have forwarded it to Raven and to Lucasarts. I know both of those companies take a dim view of software piracy and dimwits like yourself.


Amazing what information you can pull from an IP address. Perhaps you should have thought about that before posting on a board that logs them. Oh, and BTW spoofing an IP address doesn't work. Trust me, I track you little worms all the time.

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Well I did in fact buy the game, but I have copied it to make sure that if anything happens to the disc, I still have an original. and used a no-CD crack to play it on a LAN with my friends. This is all legal, because I possess an original copy of the game. Maybe this is why lucasarts/raven made the game so easy to copy...

I still think that software piracy is wrong, and I hope u get caught saintX, cos no matter what 'sovereign rights' you have, u still don't have the right to steal from a respectable company who all worked hard. I don't mind having bought the game, even though I know it is so easy to copy. I don't mind having to pay for good quality merchandise. :) In fact it is YOU I feel sorry for, being so poor as to not be able to buy a decent game...

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Originally posted by *T¥RANITH*

Well I did in fact buy the game, but I have copied it to make sure that if anything happens to the disc, I still have an original. and used a no-CD crack to play it on a LAN with my friends. This is all legal, because I possess an original copy of the game. Maybe this is why lucasarts/raven made the game so easy to copy...

I still think that software piracy is wrong, and I hope u get caught saintX, cos no matter what 'sovereign rights' you have, u still don't have the right to steal from a respectable company who all worked hard. I don't mind having bought the game, even though I know it is so easy to copy. I don't mind having to pay for good quality merchandise. :) In fact it is YOU I feel sorry for, being so poor as to not be able to buy a decent game...


Well said.

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I agree that stealing the game, whether from Warez or a friend, is wrong. However, I don't think that Lucas or Raven is noob enough to have no protection whatsoever. There's a plan, and when they reveal it, everyone who bought the game can laugh at the theieves who got what they deserved.

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Originally posted by Jedi_Overlord

I agree that stealing the game, whether from Warez or a friend, is wrong. However, I don't think that Lucas or Raven is noob enough to have no protection whatsoever. There's a plan, and when they reveal it, everyone who bought the game can laugh at the theieves who got what they deserved.



There is no protection, you dont even need a cdkey to play online.

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Originally posted by SAiNTx

My soveriegn rights give me the right to do this. Contact a lawyer.

Sovereign rights? Are you the leader of a UN-recognized nation-state? Or perhaps you are a nation-state unto yourself?


sovereign: adj

1 a : superlative in quality : EXCELLENT b : of the most exalted kind : SUPREME <sovereign virtue> c : having generalized curative powers <a sovereign remedy> d : of an unqualified nature : UNMITIGATED <sovereign contempt> e : having undisputed ascendancy : PARAMOUNT

2 a : possessed of supreme power <sovereign ruler> b : unlimited in extent : ABSOLUTE c : enjoying autonomy : INDEPENDENT <sovereign state>


The low-down is that owning any copyrighted media you didn't pay for is illegal. Mmmm-kay? The Millenium Copyright Act made that pretty clear. But coming to an internet forum where the owners of the copyright often visit, and openly advertising the fact... well, that's just plain stupid.

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Fact: You do not own the game.... By purchasing the game, your own the rights to use it.


Fact: It's not quite legal to copy a game.... have you read liscencing agreements. Most say they that copying for archival purposes is illegal, and that if you can prove you own the game, they'll send you a replacement disk, provided you pay for a replacement + S&H. If you infringe on the liscnece agreement, you actually forfit your rights to use the software.


Yes, you can burn it... Yes you can get a no cd crack quite easily... Should you? No. Will I tell you where? No.


BTW: Posting on the forums of the developer that you stole the game is the single stupidest thing you could do.


Also, if you enjoy the game, you should pay for it. So the developer can make more games like it in the future.

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Um, I think by sovereign rights he meant that he's from another country, like China for example, which doesn't recognize all intellectual property rights. In this case, it actually is legal for him to get the game off of Kazaa and play it.


And may I add that I feel really disappointed when I spend 50 dollars on a game like this and then find within a week that I could have it for free. Particularly when it comes from LucasArts, the mother of all copyright dance-inducing companies. Sure, it was developed by Raven but I expected at the very least a Cd-Key. I can't even count how many times I had to flip through the manual of Tie Fighter or X-Wing to enter copy protection symbols, or put together obscure pictures for Sam and Max or Monkey Island 2.


And posting that question on these forums was obviously not a stupid idea, and I wish I'd done it myself. He got the answer he needed quickly and now he won't even have to pay for the game. So what if the developers who monitor the forum know his IP address? Surely they'll track him back to his computer, then hop into their Van of Justice and hunt him down with the help of the FBI and local police...er, yeah. Strangely, after all the software I've obtained illegally there are very few warrants out for my arrest.


Companies don't need to do much for copy protection in the future. All they really need is a reliable cd-key system like Q3 or Half-Life had. It makes the effort involved in getting and keeping a working key not really worth the money being saved. Companies also need to recognize that requiring people to keep the cd in the drive is an absolute waste of time, because that is the first thing that gets cracked, and used by paying customers due to the annoyance of having to have a useless CD in the drive.


- [PMV] Joker

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Originally posted by [PMV] Joker

Companies don't need to do much for copy protection in the future. All they really need is a reliable cd-key system like Q3 or Half-Life had.


Loooool reliable CD-key system like Q3 had...? U didn't ever notice how you could LITERALLY enter ANY string of random digits into the cd key system in Q3A and it still accepted it as a cd key......


And plus, it's not like u can't get basically any game out there for free anyway. I mean if you're THAT worried about the cd-keys in games like half life. Buy about 10 copies and use cd-keys from them, then give em back :) (obviously not from the same shop, unless u have a good excuse, duh )

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Yes, if you dont buy games (and if eventually most people don't and get them for free) the games industry will go into decline and there will be crap games (and very rarely any good games) because you destroyed the companies who put hard work into making these good games.

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I agree with [PMV] Joker, he is probably talking about the laws in his own country. Countries like...china, russia, taiwan is not under the DMCA (which is a damned horrid law in the first place), and most of those countries probably don't give half a **** about copyright.


But no matter how we argue, copyright law is very vague and very difficult to enforce, and the law even contradicts itself in these sectors (i mean...come on...you sell CD-burners...hmmmm...i wonder what people will do with them?). And stop flaming, many of you are hypocrites. How many of you can swear that you have not downloaded music? Heck, if the FBI tracked everyone down 80% of america (and probably half the FBI itself) will be under arrest!


Copyright law in this case is even more ridiculous. I can burn a copy and if someone arrests me i can just say...oh I had an original...i just...err...my brother broke it. Sounds ridiculous? Sounds like BS? HELL YEAH! But does it stand in court? HELL YEAH! Nothing anyone can do about it.


Like PVM joker, i am pissed that some people can ge the game for free, but i don't consider my money wasted.

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